Search results

  1. socal78

    President Trump

    Spootieho, I know you've posted that you're done with this convo. Sorry for dragging you back in. It's okay to hold that opinion. You shouldn't be shamed for it. I get what you're saying. Plot Twist: I'm a woman who was touched inappropriately as a young child by a man who abused his position of...
  2. socal78

    Alexa vs. Echo

    Merry Christmas, Iho.
  3. socal78

    Orchard Hills a good buy?

    I don't think there's anything new that can be said. ?\_(?)_/?
  4. socal78

    Alexa vs. Echo

    Door sensor: ? Motion detectors: ? Dimmers: ? Ceiling Fan: ? Thermostat: ? Washer & dryer: ? but the smart features don't get used ... He's not Amish like me. Complete opposite as far as this goes. He likes this type of stuff and is handy at installing everything himself. So, I "let" him...
  5. socal78

    Alexa vs. Echo

    I've been ruminating for the past couple hours trying to figure out why you're smiling. I know you. So well. I did some research. I think Alexa and Echo are actually the same thing.  O_O
  6. socal78

    Alexa vs. Echo

    I feel so lost. This is worse than a guy trying to pick out jewelry.  :'( I just bought him this: But now he says he's going to pick out his own bulbs and start small. I'm considering cancelling this...
  7. socal78

    Reserving clubhouse requires additional insurance

    Normal. At the local crappy HOA I work for, some people just tack it on to their existing homeowner's insurance. Supposedly it's pretty easy this way. Never tried it myself, though.
  8. socal78

    President Trump

    After many months, I'm just checking back in to see who was the first to retract their comments about Trump being anti-Semitic given the recent announcement regarding Jerusalem. *Crickets*. He hasn't exactly become BFFs with the David Dukes of the world in the past week.
  9. socal78

    Alexa vs. Echo

    Alissa... Alexandra... Alexa whatever her name is vs. Echo. What's the difference? I'm Christmas shopping on Amazon right now and I am so confused. I don't even really know what an Alexa or Echo is or does. The Dot(?) and the 2nd gen are on Mr. SoCal's Amazon wish list. Do you need a...
  10. socal78

    The New IHOmobile

    Very important for sneaking up on people to run them over. A solid weapon of choice. I'm thinking of The Office episode where Dwight and Andy duel over Angela. Andy's defense is driving his silent Prius under 5 mph, sneaking up on Dwight and pinning him to the fence.
  11. socal78

    What's common sense for us isn't for them

    Well, maybe I should go back. The sale was: 30% off. What's 30% of a penny? I want my discount!
  12. socal78

    What's common sense for us isn't for them

    I bought $40 shoes for a penny over the weekend. Here's why: I go to the store. I find a few pairs of shoes. One pair is $40. Deal. Take all my boxes and other items to the register. A girl, around 19, scans everything. Everything had a bar code. She gives me my total. She remarks that I'm...
  13. socal78

    New Car

    Eternal bachelor?
  14. socal78

    Any local restaurants open during Thanksgiving, with a Thanksgiving-themed menu?

    Just sharing a... uh... cheerful!...Thanksgiving animation made today by a young artist I happen to know. Future vegetarian? Unlikely. He seemed to have no problem eating turkey.  ;)
  15. socal78

    Any local restaurants open during Thanksgiving, with a Thanksgiving-themed menu?

    So. I tried Del Frisco's Grille at the Spectrum today for Thanksgiving. It was my first time. This must have been the best day at the Spectrum I've ever had in my decades of going there. Parking was a breeze. First level. Easy access. No crowds. Seated right away. Evidently, there's no better...
  16. socal78

    undisclosed asbestos

    I would let it go. You were okay with the disclosure form not having concrete answers then. You're not okay with it today. Can't travel back in time. What's done is done. Not worth your stress to pursue over that dollar amount. It's a drop in the bucket. Home ownership is expensive no matter how...
  17. socal78

    Jesus won't save you, but Xi wil

    Wow. Don't worry. This will never work. They are *HUNGRY* for the Word in China. I talked to one missionary last year who went to China with the Gideons. When there are not enough Bibles to go around, the Chinese Christians will rip up a single Bible and pass out small sections so that many...
  18. socal78

    Father and Two sons panhandling at Heritage Plaza

    You could always do what Pastor Chuck Smith did. One day, I was listening to Pastors' Perspective. They had a caller with an identical concern. Chuck (or it may have been one of the other two co-hosts on the air with him, don't quote me on this, it was a while back) said when he's giving money...
  19. socal78

    Costco Gas Line Drama: Bad Mom and Lazy Hero

    Trust me, it's a guy thing. They seem to really love to let it run as close as possible to Empty before refilling. Like it's a challenge to their manhood to have to stop at the pump a moment too soon. Mine thinks if you go before it's Empty, it's a "wasted trip". This is how we're different...
  20. socal78

    Adding dedicated circuit in garage?

    Really? I scramble for the Mute button.