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    California Rep. Katie Porter trashed Irvine police after they arrested man she l

    I agree Kid Rock is a washed up yuck and a fair representation of mainstream MAGA.
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    Is Netflix going to die in the next year?

    Streaming, like Amazon, really started as a way to dodge paying for it. For Amazon, it was cheaper and no taxes. For Napster, well, just stolen. Content is surprisingly costly to produce when it's done in formal production. Ultimately the question becomes will GenZ eventually tire of amateur...
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    ICE or EV?

    4 in 10 adults are afraid to fly.'s%20easily%20treated.,-by%20Daniel%20de&text=Fear%20of%20flying%20afflicts%20as,percent%20of%20the%20U.S.%20population.
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    California Rep. Katie Porter trashed Irvine police after they arrested man she l

    Yea yea, and Tucker just asks questions,
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    California Rep. Katie Porter trashed Irvine police after they arrested man she l

    Kid Rock isn't saying anything mainstream Republicans aren't saying.
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    California Rep. Katie Porter trashed Irvine police after they arrested man she l

    Saw Katie on Bill Maher last night. A very disappointing discussion on Bud Light, Kid Rock and Lia Thomas. JIMHO, Bill asked a pertinent question., Katie answered the party line and eventually muddled around to the Governing body sets the rules. Of course, the other side is Kid Rock shooting...
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    Orchard Hills - The Groves - Keystone Pacific & HOA

    Another part of the traffic problem is, imho, School hardening. The first year we attended summer academy, the restrictive gates we not present, the back parking lot was open and access from it was easy. The following year, the steel choke point and access restriction surrounded the school and...
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    Orchard Hills - The Groves - Keystone Pacific & HOA

    Orchard Hills was always intended as K-8.
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    Orchard Hills - The Groves - Keystone Pacific & HOA

    I’m so glad to be done with Tustin Summer Academy which is hosted at Orchard. Wonderful program, absolutely miserable school design for OC’s no school buses.
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    Presidential Elections

    There's a good chance it becomes Al Capone moment. Trump said ten words in the court. He's on his game, he knows what he can lose.
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    ICE or EV?

    Good info, but true in many forms. I wonder how much is red herring smearing EVs? Most of the cars pictured would likely have deployed multiple airbags and many ICE cars get totalled when that happens. Is it scratch or is it a bad enough accident that battery pack located fairly centrally...
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    2023 TV Streaming Services

    Has the pricing improved? Or is this more of a downsize thing (i.e. we don't really watch much channel stuff and primary stream social media?) Last time I checked (just before pandemic?), once I unbundled my internet from my other services, then got the pipe I needed for reliable streaming...
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    ICE or EV?

    ‘Pfft, can't coal roll elitest bicyclists like a real man in a foofoo LoaferLightning
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    all American asphalt

    Are we talking about Newport Coast now?
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    all American asphalt

    Come buy girls scout cookies with us, IHO.
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    Irony being, the anti-vax, no precautions crew wants to argue that it's not really a big deal as a disease, but are also fixated that it was basically a Chinese engineered bio-weapon. Never could quite wrap my head around the simultaneous arguments that we don't need any precautions, no safety...
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    Work in office or remote?

    Depends on the company I think. Most companies are actually governed like a small aircraft pilot flies their Cessna.
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    Yea, that side effect on natural immunity though.
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    ICE or EV?

    It's not the smog, it's the micron sized pulverized rubber, metal and assorted chemical drips. The dust new the freeways smears like roof patching tar when you try to clean it near the freeway. I used to live above the 55 freeway on the East Side and quickly learned in spited of the perfect...
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    Wifi Mesh for house without bundled garbage?

    There's plenty of good meshes, I'm asking which if any don't require me to agree with giving them all my data in perpetuity to actually get configured and using.