Search results

  1. F

    Common Core Standards

    We have found that most schools tightly control the group of kids selected for a combo class.  The school will handpick the students and avoid those with behavior issues, etc and usually select the brightest (younger kids) for the lower grade level.  And most school will allot more resource...
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    Built-IN Refrigerators

    I have had a Subzero refrig/freezer for 6 years and no issues with it at all. 
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    Cost per Square Foot per Village?

    Redfin is your friend.  You can use it to search by village and compare list vs close prices
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    Common Core Standards

    Common core or current method-  waivers are a problem in the classroom.  Some kids just aren't ready and the parents push them in anyways.  Then the teachers slow down the pace of the class because of these kids-  which frustrates the other students.  Next year is going to be challenging for all...
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    Seller wants to rent for few months after the closing

    How long do they want to rent back?  Can you negotiate a longer escrow -say 90 days then a 30 day rent back?  So a total of 4 months but less hassle from the lender, etc and more control for you as your final walk through would be later in the timeline and they would be "renters" for a shorter...
  6. F

    Alderwood K-6 vs Plaza Vista K-8 YR thoughts?

    Knowing what we know now-  I would encourage everyone to attend their home school-  it makes a significant difference in the social aspect of your child's school years ( and coordinating play dates so much easier!). 
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    Common Core Standards

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    Common Core Standards

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    Common Core Standards

  10. F

    How do you know if your new home is true to size?!

    I believe that you can check with the city building and permits dept and they can tell you what has been filed for that specific lot. 
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    Interesting to also note-- each of the 6 APAAS sites run differently.  Some sites advance Math by 1 entire year (as Kiki mentioned above)-  other sites stick to the current Math track of the grade they are in.  Others are somewhere in the middle. 
  12. F

    Common Core Standards

    A friend with a current 6th grader received the email yesterday.  Our friend thinks IUSD is starting the notifications with the kids who already signed up to re-take the MSMAT over the summer  (which they don't need to now).
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    Avocado groves at Orchard Hills

    Rats LOVE avocados!
  14. F

    Common Core Standards

    FYI-  Heard that IUSD has now adjusted the criteria for scoring the MSMAT for this year. They are now using either a total score on the test (80% or better) or achieving the minimum number of points possible on each of the 5 domains.  Notifications going out via email this week. Students who...
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  16. F

    Common Core Standards

    Sentosa-  did you go to the Middle School Placement parent meetings held in various locations in late April and early May?  Mark Sontag gave a presentation on the Common Core changes specific to math - At that time- he...
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    Transitional Kindergarten after 2014-15 school year

    TK is not going away-  the question is who will fund it.
  18. F

    Common Core Standards

    Students who did not pass the MSMAT can take the test again over the Summer.  This is a change from previous years where you only had one chance on the test. 
  19. F

    Irvine High School college bound.

    Awesome data -  thanks Irvine Home Shopper for putting this together in one place