Search results

  1. W

    Tesla Solar Panels Price Cut

    My Tesla estimate has been pretty much spot on.  I think the estimate was 6000-6200 and my actuals were 2020 - 6180 kWh 2021 - 6078 kWh
  2. W

    Shady Siam Station in Irvine

    Sorry to hear you had a bad experience there.  The food at Siam Station is awesome, but the seating is very limited so I have always just done take-out.  Guess I will continue to just get take-out.
  3. W

    EV/Plug-in/Other vehicles

    Do you have a source for this statement?  EA and Chargepoint won't charge a battery past 80%!?
  4. W

    Any Ooni Owners Here?

    Wow, Roma D'Italia raw dough is $8.50/lb.  TJ is $1.49.  This might be the highest margin item at Roma D'Italia! 
  5. W

    VinFast Anyone?

    Free vietnamese ice coffee from Vinfast.  Historic Main Street in Garden Grove June 24-25th. 
  6. W

    Any Ooni Owners Here?

    I've heard that the pizza slide is the most difficult to get perfected.  I just bought a bread maker to help make the dough.  Trying to streamline this process as much as possible!
  7. W

    EV/Plug-in/Other vehicles

    Pure greed from a Socal VW dealership. 
  8. W

    Any Ooni Owners Here?

    Just purchased an Ooni pizza oven during the 20% off sale.  Was wondering if there are any other owners on the forum.  Looking for suggestions on where to buy ingredients and if there are any local pizza shops that will just sell their dough.
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    Kitakata Ramen Ban Nai (Costa Mesa)

    It's about 2x the cost.  Hako is good, but not THAT good compared to Misasa (in Mitsuwa).
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    It seems in this market, a pocket listing is a huge disadvantage to the seller.  There are some crazy buyers out there and there is no way a pocket listing will reach these potential buyers.  Is not having to show your house really worth potentially losing 10s of thousands of dollars?? 
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    Breaking a lease

    In CA, there are plenty of times where the Landlord needs to PAY YOU to leave the property.  Does your LL really understand CA landlord/tenant law? 
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    Video of CEO Laying Off 15% of Workforce

    I wonder if their rates will be less competitive now.  I've used them 3 times and they had rates that absolutely cannot be beat. 
  13. W

    Agent Commission

    There are still some agents that want 6% (3.5% sell and 2.5% buy).  They have plenty of listings so there is still a market (very small) for these types of agents.  But I would say over 90% of agents are in the 4% for most areas of OC.  LA is a bit different though.  Especially in some higher...
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    New Listing - Estates townhome @ Woodbridge (143 W. Yale Loop)

    Interesting to list the property at exactly $1M.  Why not $999,999 to get in the next search tier?
  15. W

    SCE TOU Plan or keep non TOU

    This is a common misunderstanding that SCE CSRs constantly push.  PRIME is not always the best plan.  It ended up costing me $250 more last year by going on PRIME after the recommendation from the CSR.  Since you can only change your plan once a year, I had my TOU 4-9 retroactively changed to...
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    Where the market is - Buyer Offers

    Lenders don't want you to pay off your loan until 6 months after the refinance in order for them to keep their commissions and fees.  There is nothing they can do to stop you.   
  17. W

    FYI: Sureshine Care and Restoration Services

    As the old adage goes, "get it in writing".  You should have had the crew members sign and date (maybe even notarize?) an addendum to the contract stating that they would move and replace the heavy objects as part of the sealing work.
  18. W

    FYI: Sureshine Care and Restoration Services

    The company should have not started any work once they saw that the heavy objects were not moved.  My guess is that they usually try to help out the customer (do more than contract states) by moving certain objects, but they risk running into this very situation that the OP is complaining about...
  19. W

    HOA documents during escrow

    This means there is a bad/incompetent HOA board in place.  There should be clear expectations given to a potential new management company with other associations they currently manage verified. 
  20. W

    Realtors Face Federal Scrutiny of Broker Commissions Justice Department probe

    If the buyer pays the inflated price, then the value of the property was the price the buyer paid.  It would be interesting to see real life examples of this "theory".  There will be a point where real buyers will drop out and stop paying the inflated prices.   