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  1. sugarspunZ_IHB

    Resuscitating the Zombies

    Thus the incentives for Wall Street to indulge in endless speculative games will still be present, complete with the implied taxpayer bailout when it goes wrong. No wonder Goldman Sachs is thinking of abandoning its banking license ? why dawdle along with only 15-to-1 leverage when you have...
  2. sugarspunZ_IHB

    Resuscitating the Zombies

    long read but a great column. Resuscitating the Zombies by Martin Hutchinson June 15, 2009 Citigroup has been restructured with $50 billion of public money without significant reform to its operations, the hedge...
  3. sugarspunZ_IHB

    Do these mortgage laws even work?

    nope. they pretty much dont work.
  4. sugarspunZ_IHB

    Am I obligated?

    like it has already been said. you are NOT obligated to use this agent. find someone you trust and respect. is a buyer broker agreement really iron clad? i always thought it was very weak at best.
  5. sugarspunZ_IHB

    Is now the good time for remodelling?

    i love the delusional home owners who dropped a 100 grand on a new kitchen and they now think they home is worth a 100 grand more. i cant help but LOL.
  6. sugarspunZ_IHB

    Is now the good time for remodelling?

    ^ i like Delroy Spuckler <img src="" alt="" /> IMO if you want to improve your home and can afford to do it then go right ahead. however i would not expect any significant return on investment...
  7. sugarspunZ_IHB

    Subprime: The Movie

    i tried to embed the video but i couldnt figure it out. sorry. looks like a great movie though. however it appears to show wall street as the devil and the consumer as the poor victim which really bothers me.
  8. sugarspunZ_IHB

    Earthquake Preparation
  9. sugarspunZ_IHB

    Do you know people who are likely to lose their homes?

    the majority of everyone i know who purchased a home in the last 5 years and who put less than 20% down is now upside down. most are facing adjustable rates this year or in the next few years. most will be adjusting lower so there will be little if any payment shock. some will not be able to...