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  1. H


    Grow your own food.
  2. H


    I'm doing all my Wuhan Virus related planning based on advice from my Magic 8 Ball. Seems just as reliable as the talking heads on TV and online. Me: Is this the right time to jump back into equities despite the Wuhan Virus hysteria? Magic 8 Ball: Without a Doubt
  3. H


    It's really disheartening to see the politicians and the media try to blame the Federal govt. for the Wuhan Virus pandemic. This pandemic was caused by the Chinese Communist Party and no one else. You can debate where the virus came from but there is no doubt the CCP deliberately silenced all...
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    Armed robbers jack $218 worth of toilet paper from delivery driver:
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    Elementary school kid selling hand sanitizer to his classmates for 63 cents a squirt:
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    If things get really bad here, I'm going to drive down to Mexico and become an undocumented immigrant there. ?D?nde est? el papel higi?nico se?or?
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    It's good that Disneyland is closed so I'll have more time to freak out about the Wuhan virus. Warning to the unwiped hordes, I will shoot any mother fu*ker who gets near my TP stash!
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    Business way down for Seattle sex workers:
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    We should ask the PRC and the Communist Party for the tests.
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    Your statement is true, that is why people who are not sick should not be wearing masks. Again, this is a cultural phenomenon. Asians, especially Mainland Chinese, already had a habit of wearing masks long before the Wuhan Virus. This is because the environment is so bad there. If a Mainland...
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    The hoarders who started the panic buying are PRC nationals. Americans do not understand their mentality because we have always had what we needed to live. Anyone over the age of 45 from the PRC has personal experience with privation and starvation. Yes, that dude who just bought the $5 million...
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    The 2020 Presidential Election

    I'm sure Biden would get along real well with Katie Hill but the GSA cleaners would probably not appreciate cleaning up all the bong water stains from the Great Seal carpet in the oval office.
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    Mainland China people ordered to show gratitude to the Communist Party and Supreme Leader Xi for saving the world from the corona virus: "[We] must through various channels carry out gratitude education among the citizens of the whole city as well as cadres so that they thank the general...
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    The 2020 Presidential Election

    That is a picture of Red Guards beating up an older gentleman. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, one of the most famous ?movements? of the 20th Century, Chairman Mao encouraged idealistic youth to attack their elders because older Chinese were not enthusiastic enough about...
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    The 2020 Presidential Election

    Dear Old People, don't be so smug, the youth of America will be coming for you soon. Love, Bernie
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    The 2020 Presidential Election

    Apparently, the Dems no longer believe the woman either:
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    The 2020 Presidential Election

    I'd love to have a leader like Mrs. Thatcher. My favorite Thatcher quote: "socialism works great until you run out of other people's money."
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    Experts admit global warming predictions wrong

    Mainland China car makers now peddling coronavirus proof SUVs:
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    "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war".

    Curry House closed because of difficulty in replacing illegal alien employees: New owners bought Curry House last year and discovered all the kitchen staff were illegals. They wanted to do...
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    From Blazing Saddles: Is it true how zey say zat you people are... gifted? [unzipping sound] Oh. It's twue. It's twue. It's twue, it's twue!