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  1. zubs_IHB

    Irvine school bully

    So I was watching the news the other day, and this little tidbit arose. <a href=""></a> It was about...
  2. zubs_IHB

    Taking a loan against your equity.

    Isn't it possible for gold to drop as your housing drops as well? You want to maximize returns while minimizing risk. You are risking your homes equity on gold remaining at around US$880 / Oz. ( I don't think it's a good decision to gamble like that, but i'm pretty...
  3. zubs_IHB

    Brea Real Estate

    I live half a mile from Brea Olinda HS and at the peak in 2006 my house was worth 600,000 + for a 1300 sqft single family house. It is now worth about 420,000. That's a 42% drop. So if you look at peak to trough pricing, brea has dropped a lot.
  4. zubs_IHB

    Shoes Hurled at Bush

    First of all the guy who threw the shoe did not idolize Saddam. He is just angry that US policy has killed many innocent Iraqi's, and made his country worse. He is Shiite, so he probably hates Saddam. Second, Bush waved the secret service away when the 2nd shoe was thrown. The shoe...
  5. zubs_IHB

    Banking questions - savings account

    etrade is FDIC insured and I don't have that much money with them. So what I got from this thread is that CD's guarantee the interest rate, while a savings account may change at anytime. So Etrades 3.3% savings is good due to FDIC insurance, and I can move it in and out without penalty...
  6. zubs_IHB

    Banking questions - savings account

    I was wondering how come some savings account interest rates have higher interest rates than CD's. I called my bank today and their savings account interest rate was 0.10% while their CD was 2.59% for 1 year. Then I looked at my Etrade account and they are offering a savings account with...
  7. zubs_IHB

    Fix my mortgage? or leave it as an ARM?

    My highschool friend asked me to loan him a thousand bones back in 2007 because he bought a house out in Lake Elsinore area with an exotic loan. Since he just had an kid, I gave him $500 bucks and told him it was a gift for his baby. I also told him not to ever ask for money again. I...
  8. zubs_IHB

    Fix my mortgage? or leave it as an ARM?

    After 10 years in medical school my brother makes 210k a year as a radiologist for Kaiser. Although the economy sucks, he has not gotten a pay cut. Instead, Kaiser is making him read more cases for the same pay.
  9. zubs_IHB

    The Elephant in the Room

    Does this mean the FED will be able to print more money to take care of the obligations? If more money is printed, won't the US dollar depreciate vs. foreign currency? Because the world seems to be in the same boat, does it matter that the USD depreciates? Won't Euro, British Sterling...
  10. zubs_IHB

    AIG execs went on $500K retreat within days of taxpayer bailout

    you can check on business section. The bill is in the comments section. It came out to be a little less than half a million dollars.
  11. zubs_IHB

    Is this legal?

    But is this fraud prosecutable? If it isn't there will be a lot of people doing it. I speculate there is organized crime doing this already. Bank fraud is a big money maker for them.
  12. zubs_IHB

    Anyone been watching the Towering Inferno at Marquee Place?

    It's hard to feel schadenfruede for people who admit their mistakes. Thanks for the story although it was sad.
  13. zubs_IHB

    Anyone been watching the Towering Inferno at Marquee Place?

    I came for the north korean tower schadenfreud, and left disapointed by the past 8 posts. :(
  14. zubs_IHB

    extreme makeover house goes into foreclosure

    Hi, This is my first time posting. I saw this headline on yahoo news today and thought I'd share it with the community.;_ylt=At3DkcMMmpVYgUL8NxqmvNBxFb8C I'm sure some of you have seen it already, but I...