Panda's Art Gallery by Sarang Design | Korean American Designer

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The Gift of Faith (믿음) Matthew 9:20-22

Designs in itself cannot heal, but they can be instruments God uses for healing. Designs can be the point of contact for healing. Do you believe in Miracles?

What is Impossible with Man, is Possible with God.

Sarang Design Music consists of three instruments : Piano, Flute, and the Violin.

Mastery of your God given Craft. (Prov 22:29)

Did you know that Sleep and Intensely Focused Practice is the Secret to the Top Performing Violinists?

The best violinist spent more time practicing than the mere good ones. This is obvious as the more you practice, the better you get. Did you know that second most important factor that differentiate the very best violinist from the good violinist was actually SLEEP? The very best violinst slept an average of 8.6 hours in the 24 hour period.

Over the period of a week they also spent an average of 2.8 hours of napping in the afternoon: about two hours longer than the average. Sleep allowed these top performning violinists to regenerate so that they could practice with greater concentration.

So yes, while the very best violinist practiced more, they were also able to get a lot more of concentrated practice because they were better rested.

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No More Shame

For the Lord God helps me, therefore, I have not been ashamed or humiliated. Therefore, I have made my face like flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame. (Isaiah 50:7)

It is one thing to be ashamed of something you have done wrong, but it is another thing entirely to become ashamed of yourself. Shame is actually much deeper and more damaging than guilt.

If this is a problem for you, I have wonderful news for you. Jesus has taken away the reproach of sin ( the guilt and shame)! He bore it all. He has declared you not guilty and made you a brand new creatiion in him (2 Corinthians 5:17)

When you feel condemned, it is not Jesus condemning you; it is the devil, and you must resist him. When you are having a guilt and shame attack, just remember who you are in Christ. I recommend saying out loud, “God loves me unconditionally, and he has forgiven all my sins.”

Design of Panda at Age 1 in South Korea.


사랑 디자인: 아빠의 일기장 ( My Father's Journal ) - Matthew 17:20

Written by Panda's Dad: (Translated from Korean to English)

On September 17th, 1984, one day after my surgery I noticed that a couple of the visitors had left a Bible next to my hospital bed, probably intentionally. I thought. One of the church members had told me that to get to know God I had to read the Bible. There were no shortcuts, he said.

So I got serious. Here was my thought process:

First, I had nothing better to do, lying there in my hospital bed. And second, if there was a God, as I had come to understand in St. Louis the previous year. I figured I'd better start relying on him because my health situation was too serious not to rely on somebody. Third I didn't know how to pray. Fourth, I didn't know whether Jesus was God and I didn't care. So to get to know him, I had to read the Bible. I started to reading in the beginning of the New Testament with the book of Matthew. The Old Testament didn't hold any interest for me.
For the three weeks I remained in the hospital I read the Bible constantly. I thought about my past. I thought about why I had been given my life back. There had to be a reason.

About two weeks after the surgery, I was allowed to walk out onto the hospital's park like grounds. It was one of those sweet springs days when anyone's mood takes a flight. Everything was so beautiful. Bright sun, blue sky, big white clouds, trees and grass the freshest of green, bird song all around wherever one wandered.

I went to the center of the grounds and sat down next to a small stream that much have emptied into Lake Mendota in the distance. Even the sound of the water was magnificent. After a moment I lay down on the grass, stared at the blue sky and closed my eyes. When I reopened them after a few minutes a huge white cloud was crossing the sky.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, I could see visions in the cloud. I could see what looked like the face of Jesus. I could see his clothes. I could see what looked to be a church, although it may have been an illusion. I was mesmerized by this cloud. But how could it be giving me this vision? How could I see so many pictures in a short period of time? “Ah,” I began to think, “this is my Heavenly Father trying to show me a Vision, a Future, a Dream. This is my heavenly Father trying to tell me you have truly been born into a new life.

For several months afterwards, I believed this was the moment I received the Holy Spirit into my life. But eventually I learned in the Bible that the Spirit takes up residence inside you at the same time Jesus does and for me that had to be at the first faith service in St. Louis.

Nevertheless, this experience on the grounds was so vivid and lasting – it took about two hours – that I knew I had to make a new commitment to my heavenly father. And so I knelt down there on the grass and promised I would devote my life to him and do his business from then on. “God, I said, “from now on I will live for you, I will glorify your name. After all, you saved my life. Therefore I will rely on your from now on. I promise I will never leave you. Please help me and guide me. I want to live in your shade.”

Finally, this hospital interlude that meant so much to me at the time and still does, came to an end when there was a call from a nurse who had come searching for me. “Come, you can’t stay there too long.” She said.

I don’t know whether I’ve kept all my promises these 20 years. I still struggle with personal relationships, with gentleness, with listening to God’s voice. I can be short with people and be headstrong. But I do know that God is still good to me with my shortcomings. And after all I have been through with my health, in my business, and in my ministry. I know that I have come a very long way from home as a little boy in South Korea.
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Designs that Translates Truth to Beauty with Love. Sarang Design.

사랑 디자인: Forever (영원히) : Panda's Reflection on Marriage.

What God has joined together in marriage, let no one separate. Matthew 19:6

March 2025 will mark 20 years of marriage to the only girl friend I have ever known. I can say without a doubt that God has been in my marriage from the beginning til now. I want to emphasize the key issue to every young single or newly wed who desires to have a happy, fruitful marriage is to know in your deepest heart of hearts that God is in your marriage. You must be and do your part. At the same time look to God as your source, ask for his help by sowing your seeds of faith continually, and learn to depend on him as your source to work things out in you and for you.

Then you will have a truly successful marriage. Not only will you be blessed, but you and your children will bless others because of your witness for the Lord.

Below are three Sarang Design music you can choose from. The first music is played with a Flute, second with a Piano, and the third with the Violin. As you play and listen to the music, you can scroll up and read the comments I wrote about my designs. Every design had a purpose before I designed them. Thank you visiting Panda's Art Gallery.

- Panda

Sarang Design: Prayer
Graphic Designer: Panda
Instrument: Flute
Inspired by: Matthew 6:6

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Sarang Design: Junto a tus Pies
Graphic Designer: Panda
Instrument: Piano
Inspired by: Psalm 40:3

Sarang Design: Deliverance
Graphic Designer: Panda
Instrument: Violin
Inspired by: Matthew 11:28

Sarang Design: The Reason Jesus Came
Graphic Designer: Panda
Instrument: Flute
Inspired by: John 3:16

감사하는 사람

풍경 사진을 좋아하는 사람은 과거에 겪었을 수도 있는 어려움에서 구원받은 것에 대해 감사할 줄 아는 사람입니다. 그 사람은 환경과 주변의 아름다움을 소중히 여길 줄 아는 마음을 가지고 있기 때문입니다.

다른 사람의 사진을 잘 찍는 사람은 배려심 많고 사랑이 넘치는 사람으로, 관계를 소중히 여길 줄 아는 사람입니다.

많이 주고 풍성한 선물을 주는 사람은 많은 돈이 있는 사람이 아니라, 상대방의 가치를 잘 아는 사람입니다.

항상 나를 바다보다 더 넓은 마음으로 품어 주시는 하나님의 마음처럼, 저도 진정으로 사랑하고 치유가 필요한 사람들을 치유할 수 있는 사람이 되고 싶습니다.

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