Toyota moving to Texas

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Of all the things the State has to worry about, it's priority is now to take away parental rights? Now all of those sweet high income tax receipts and stock option taxes are going to vaporize. Imagine if the Fremont Tesla manufacturing hub were to close as well.

At least there may be some additional housing inventory coming on line soon....

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Unsure if this is mostly symbolic or not. I.e., will they maintain their engineering hub here, or even manufacturing? Socal is still an aerospace skills reservoir, though it has been slowly draining away and diluting for a very long time. Spacex can certainly create its own weather to some extent. I'm sure I'll hear through the grapevine soon enough....via friends and friends/spouses of friends.

ETA: At least Musk can install his own Powerwalls to keep the AC running during the power outages. All machining and parts inspections need to happen between 68*F and 72*F. Hawthorne high temp: 78*F. Austin high temp: 99*F. Nothankyou.
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Thanks DB Dems….accomplishes nothing, costs everyone and cannot be declined…We suck and blow at the same time!!😡😡👎🏽🦄🌈

‘Do you want a bag for that?' LA Fast-food restaurants now may charge you for bags

A city ordinance now allows fast-food restaurants to charge customers for bags. But what if you decline to pay for the 10-cent bags?

“If I didn't want to pay for the bag, would you just hand me my food items directly out of the window,” Shakur asked.

It turns out, no.
it’s shortsighted, pointless government policy and over regulation and taxation that is driving business, jobs and tax payers out of this state🤦🏽‍♂️😡😡😡👎🏽🦄🌈
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Bye bye 9000 high paying jobs and all the tax revenue they create…Save the planet!!! Blow bigger holes in the state budget…well done Boy King!🥵👎🏽🤦🏽‍♂️🦄🌈

Chevron Abandons California For New Headquarters In Houston

The San Ramon headquarters currently has 2,000 employees. These employees will likely be transferred to Houston in the coming years, where the company currently has about 7,000 employees.

"California's policies have made it a difficult place to invest so we have rejected capital projects in the state," Andy Walz, president of Chevron's Americas Products business, wrote in a filing in late 2023. He added, "Such capital flight reflects the state's inadequate returns and adversarial business climate."

Chevron provided no further information about the reason behind the California exodus, but as the company's executives have said in the past, the Golden State's regulatory regime has made it nearly impossible to do business. We suspect execs are also fed up with progressive personal income tax law and failed social justice and criminal justice reforms that have only sparked a state-wide crime tsunami.

Children living in tents and roaming the streets of California's Skid Row. America, we have a problem.

— Jonathan Choe (@choeshow) June 17, 2024
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Very inclusive of us😡😡😡😡👎🏽

California to Provide Subsidies of Up to $150K for Home Buyers - but Only If They're Illegal Immigrants​

Yes, you read that right: This will make "undocumented immigrants" - illegal aliens, people whose very first action in the United States was to break the law - eligible for over six figures of free taxpayer cash to buy a home, a home that would otherwise have gone to a legal resident of the once-Golden State - but who probably can't afford it. Not only is this measure a slap in the face to every Californian who can't afford a home in their own state, but it will also, again, jack up the prices of every Californian home on the market.

Who needs all those rich young people? Don’t let the door hit you on your way out…We would rather have a homeless, illegal, poor unskilled, uneducated populous anyways Have fun with all your fancy earnings and tax revenue in your new states!! We are Joyful and Intersectional with all our Newcomers and people experiencing homelessness here in California…and the weather is great!!! We are Number 1!!!🤦🏽‍♂️👎🏽😡😡

Young rich Americans are fleeing California and piling into Florida

Despite its reputation as a choice retirement destination, young rich Americans are headed to Florida now.

The Sunshine State had a net gain of 1,786 young households earning at least $200,000 in 2022, making it the state with the highest net migration of wealthy Americans from ages 26 to 35, according to a SmartAsset analysis of IRS data.

“I’ve gotten to do a lot of fun things and live a different life than I was living in New York,” she told CNBC Make It in 2023, while earning over $210,000 a year. ” have a lot more space and have my money go a lot farther and enjoy life a little bit more down South.”

Four other Southern statesTexas, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee — join Florida in SmartAsset’s top 10 states seeing the highest net migration of young IMG_3430.jpeghigh earners.|
More government stupidity driving out the very tax payers and earners the state needs to support its massive deficits….told you when this was proposed it would fail spectacularly and in the end make the problem they thought they were helping…WORSE!!! Idiots (elected and electors)🤦🏽‍♂️👎🏽😡😂😂😂

Fed up with failed leadership, L.A. voters backed mansion tax to help the homeless. Will it work?

Measure ULA on Tuesday’s ballot, leading by a considerable margin as votes are tallied, would pump a massive amount of money into homelessness prevention and housing. Several thousand new housing units could be created each year, and rental assistance could prevent thousands more from becoming homeless.“I don’t think it’s overstating it at all to call it a game changer,” said Ann Sewill, general manager of the city’s Housing Department.


One year in, Los Angeles’ Measure ULA has been a costly disaster

April 1 marked the one-year anniversary of Measure ULA taking effect in the city of Los Angeles, and by any measure, the misleadingly named “mansion tax” is a disaster.

Placed on the November 2022 ballot as a citizens’ initiative, Measure ULA was sold to voters as a tax on the sale of mansions to provide programs for homelessness and the prevention of homelessness. Voters were told it would raise $600 million to $1.1 billion annually. Most voters probably thought they’d never have to pay any part of that.

Wrong on all counts.
I have several clients who have multistate franchisees with major names, it’s definitely only here in California.🤷🏽‍♂️👎🏽😡
We have self-inflicted wounds like the minimum wage hike…Ultimately the Boy King is to blame…👎🏽😡😡

California’s economy lags behind other states, here’s why it’s so sluggish

California’s unemployment rate, 5.2% of its labor force in July, is no longer the nation’s highest after months of having that dubious distinction.

While California’s July rate was unchanged from June, Nevada’s creeped ahead — or behind — with a 5.4% rate, so California is now tied with Illinois for second place among the states.

Overall, California’ economic recovery from the brief but sharp recession during the COVID-19 pandemic has been slower than the nation as a whole, or as a new analysis from Beacon Economics puts it, “There is little doubt that California is not doing as well as it has in the past. The only substantial argument is over why the state is faring so poorly, and the depth of the rot.

“California’s biggest problems are not a function of an economy that suddenly stumbled upon hard times,” Beacon continues, “they are the unintended consequences of policy choices made over the past decade.'%20economic%20recovery%20from,it%20has%20in%20the%20past.
I sent a bunch of work to Asia this year that use to be done here in California.
Employees are expensive in the USA, and even more so in CA as it's one of the highest cost of living regions in the world.

To live in CA takes a lot of money, and I suppose it's why Newsom signed into law the $20/hour fast food bill.

By the way, how does 742,277 - 736,861 = 727,227 people who lost their jobs? Isn't it more like 5,000 jobs?
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I sent a bunch of work to Asia this year that use to be done here in California.
Employees are expensive in the USA, and even more so in CA as it's one of the highest cost of living regions in the world.

To live in CA takes a lot of money, and I suppose it's why Newsom signed into law the $20/hour fast food bill.

By the way, how does 742,277 - 736,861 = 727,227 people who lost their jobs? Isn't it more like 5,000 jobs?
sorry about that grabbed the wrong number, should have netted it out, you’re correct…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂
California fast food restaurants have cut 10,000 jobs thanks to state’s $20 minimum wage