Presidential Elections

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Too many lies to pick from (from both). Simple Google search for Fact Check Debate will help you. If I recall you still thought the 2020 election was rigged so can't help with that.

And there are already Democrat rumblings about replacing Biden but that's seems to be out of fear of losing the race rather than replacing him in office now.

I realize all the Republicans are trying to make a point but I'm independent so you're not going to find my opinion colored by party affiliation.

Sure, replace Biden in office now... replace him for the election. America needs better than both (and again, there are Trump policies I like... just can't deal with the messenger).
Rigged in the sense that state election laws were completely discarded due to "COVID" - aka "Do anything to keep Trump from winning again" - allowing ballot harvesting in states where once illegal, off site unguarded ballot drop off points, zero signature matching checks, FaceBook and other companies to fund vote influencing programs (now, all disallowed in many States) and unchecked voter rolls with many dead or out of the area voters to get ballots. All in all the results were that many people who are completely disconnected from politics voted. Yes, I don't believe in universal voting. Many MSNBCCNNLOL viewers who never invest the time or effort to seek out how our Republic should function and voted simply because it was made too easy. Yes, there are rabid FOX viewers on the other side, but their demographic is smaller and aging out quickly. Just as I support the 2nd Amendment doesn't mean I think anyone should have a gun. The same goes (at least for me) regarding voting. Haven't voted in the last 2 cycles? Perhaps taking a civics class to remind you about how government works, what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are all about should be required before regaining your ability to vote.

Voting should not be taken for granted. It's a privilege, one that requires engagement. There is next to zero harm in requiring face to face voting, with ID, or Absentee Ballot requesting (not auto-send, as we have in California) with stricter verification of these ballots as being from the persons who asked for them. It should be possible to determine an election result within 24 hours, not 4-7 weeks, indicating a great amount of time for shenanigans to occur. A cleaner, clearer election with an engaged population is better for all. That wasn't the case in the 2020 election, but could be in 2024 and beyond.
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If you won't learn about the country, why should you be allowed to vote? Only the serious people should, no matter their politics.
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Despite the allegations of rigged elections and uneducated voters, it seems to reflect the sentiment of America. Hillary was not well liked and Trump seemed like a new type of candidate. Then once he got in office, crazy ensued and the people chose the the other even though he was old. Now it seems old is too much and may swing the other way because people forgot about the crazy (and the insurrection).

I didn't think Obama would get voted in but I really liked him as president if anything to fight the notion of Great White Devil that the extremists kept touting. :)

I tell myself it will only be 4 years. Hah.
To say one lies more than the other is just…a lie…😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Even CNN Admits Biden Plays Fast And Loose With The Truth​

CNN has been hostile toward Donald Trump over the past eight years, but even the network that hosted the first presidential debate of 2024 had to admit that President Biden likes to play fast and loose with the facts. Here are some examples cited by the network following the debate:

America is in decline...we go from a President that not only can make coherent and inspiring speeches, but also can fly a fighter jet and go toe to toe with the Aliens, to choosing either one con old man or one senile old man.

Methinks you read way too much into my posts, given that you know little about my ethnicity or my family makeup - just as I know nothing about yours. Impute whatever you wish to the concept of requiring a photo ID, and a small measure of knowledge before voting is somehow "ray-cist" or "exclusionary". The freedoms we have took hard work to obtain but also to maintain. If someone isn't willing to do a small measure of light work to better our nation, it's hard to say we should grant rights to them.

If you have a lazy co worker (or employ one) it's only logical to ask them to "shape up" in a reasonable amount of time. If they don't, do you believe they should remain on payroll? If so, find me a business that can survive with a workforce of that kind (other than the DMV..... 😉 )
Despite the allegations of rigged elections and uneducated voters, it seems to reflect the sentiment of America. Hillary was not well liked and Trump seemed like a new type of candidate. Then once he got in office, crazy ensued and the people chose the the other even though he was old. Now it seems old is too much and may swing the other way because people forgot about the crazy (and the insurrection).

I didn't think Obama would get voted in but I really liked him as president if anything to fight the notion of Great White Devil that the extremists kept touting. :)

I tell myself it will only be 4 years. Hah.
8-12 yrs, depending on the Veep.
To say one lies more than the other is just…a lie…😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Even CNN Admits Biden Plays Fast And Loose With The Truth​

CNN has been hostile toward Donald Trump over the past eight years, but even the network that hosted the first presidential debate of 2024 had to admit that President Biden likes to play fast and loose with the facts. Here are some examples cited by the network following the debate:

Did you read the article? I've read several and Trump is still the lie winner... as he's always been. That's his shtick... lie and deny. Again, they all lie, but Trump is more "extravagant" with it. But that's what makes him so late night foddery... or memey. I actually like that he goes all in on his non-truths.
I meant if Trump is re-elected. Unless he does something to the 22nd amendment.

But yes... the veep(s) can carry the same policies as Trump but won't be as narcissistic. :)
We both were talking about a Trump win. Unfortunately my pick - Tulsi Gabbard - isn't on the list any longer. She will likely run Department of Veterans Affairs.

It doesn't get many people to the polls, but in a Trump new term, my guess is that Thomas will resign SCOTUS, providing the Senate flips. In a Biden/Newsom/Bloomberg/Michelle POTUS reign, Sotomayor will jump ship and be replaced by someone younger.

Interesting times, I will say that.
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Methinks you read way too much into my posts, given that you know little about my ethnicity or my family makeup - just as I know nothing about yours. Impute whatever you wish to the concept of requiring a photo ID, and a small measure of knowledge before voting is somehow "ray-cist" or "exclusionary". The freedoms we have took hard work to obtain but also to maintain. If someone isn't willing to do a small measure of light work to better our nation, it's hard to say we should grant rights to them.

If you have a lazy co worker (or employ one) it's only logical to ask them to "shape up" in a reasonable amount of time. If they don't, do you believe they should remain on payroll? If so, find me a business that can survive with a workforce of that kind (other than the DMV..... 😉 )
I don't think that @freedomcm was poking you directly but rather pointing out that the old way of voting is not going to work today. And some of the things you suggest are very restricting.

Sure, mail-in ballots are less secure but as far as I remember, in-person voting still requires valid ID. But you can't say absentee really favors one side or the other because everyone can vote that way. We went mail-in in 2020 because it's easier.

As for getting results in 24 hours.... that's the problem... government has too much red tape and legacy debt to properly improve that. And there is also the security of purely computer driven voting. If you think arguments about rigged ballot boxes and watching counters is bad... the doubts around technology will just as contentious.
Did you read the article? I've read several and Trump is still the lie winner... as he's always been. That's his shtick... lie and deny. Again, they all lie, but Trump is more "extravagant" with it. But that's what makes him so late night foddery... or memey. I actually like that he goes all in on his non-truths.
Did you? Brandon had whoppers…especially about the economy and inflation…two of the most important and relevant topics to normal Americans…🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂🇺🇸

How Did The Army Of Debate ‘Fact Checkers’ Miss This Biden Whopper?​

Not surprisingly, the self-appointed “fact checkers” in the media went to town on Donald Trump’s remarks during Thursday’s debate, picking apart every utterance and rating them false even if they were mostly true. Also not surprising, President Joe Biden got a relative free pass. (Although to be fair to fact-checkers, it was often hard to tell what Biden was trying to say.)

But what’s truly mind-boggling is that they missed the biggest lie Biden told all night. A lie that came out of his mouth as soon as he opened it. A lie that he then used to blame Trump for everything bad that has happened in the past three-and-a-half years.

I beg to differ….🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Here Are The 20 Biggest Whoppers Biden Told During His Debate With Trump​

From the border crisis to manufactured hoaxes about his opponent, there was almost no subject Biden didn’t lie about.
President Joe Biden isn’t known for telling the truth. So, it came as no surprise when the Delaware Democrat got up on stage to tell some pretty tall tales during Thursday’s debate with former President Donald Trump.

From the crisis he created at the U.S.-Mexico border to manufactured hoaxes about his opponent, there was almost no subject Biden didn’t lie about. Here are the 20 biggest whoppers he told during Thursday night’s matchup with the Orange Man.

No one is screaming anything... so sensitive. And you just spent back to back purple fonts claiming Biden lied more. How long did you have to dig for those one sided articles? Maybe you are referring to size or quality... I was referring to quantity.

And that's probably because Biden kept losing his train of thought more or he might of kept pace. His lost moments were so brutal, it was like McConnell.

It's a known fact that Trump lies/exaggerates/brags in bigly bunches, I would list them here but it would be longer than your crazy things Joe says thread. The problem for Biden is Trump looked better doing it at the debate.

I know "lies" might be a trigger word for you because you believe Trump's misinformation... but here is some therapy for you... can you name the bigly lies Trump said?