Presidential Elections

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I can't ever remember feeling sorry for a President before, but I felt that way when Biden lost his train of thought on the second question for close to 10 seconds (it felt like an eternity) ending with "We beat Medicare". That moment was excruciating.

The ABC newsroom was so somber after the debate. Everybody knew that Biden had failed the test and they were openly talking about replacing him during the first segment of the broadcast. The level of realism and lack of spin was remarkable.
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Wow...just wow. That has got to be one of the worst debate performances by Biden in presidential election history. The Dems better come up with a Plan B because that debate just cost him the election. If Donald is smart, he should cancel the 2nd debate.
The other "Big Mike" to replace Biden could be Michael Bloomberg, who just gave (pre debate!) $19m to a Biden related PAC.

To a tee, every post debate commentator lead off with "Trump lied....". It was if the alphabet networks colluded in their responses.

That said, I did not watch more than the last 15 minutes of the debate, and this is an honest request:

Besides the Golf Handicap nonsense, can anyone give me 3 "Trump lie" examples?
Besides the Golf Handicap nonsense, can anyone give me 3 "Trump lie" examples?
Seriously? Even without fact checking you knew whenever he said "all" or "everybody" or "never" it was a lie.

This is easily Google-able... Try Politifacts.

And this isn't excusing Biden, all politicians lie, Trump just narcissistically goes all in.

I'm not going to say give me 3 "Trump truths" because he did have good points. Optically, Trump won... Factually, he lost.
Seriously? Even without fact checking you knew whenever he said "all" or "everybody" or "never" it was a lie.

This is easily Google-able... Try Politifacts.

And this isn't excusing Biden, all politicians lie, Trump just narcissistically goes all in.

I'm not going to say give me 3 "Trump truths" because he did have good points. Optically, Trump won... Factually, he lost.
Plenty of lies from Biden.
Has full suppoet of the Border Security union? No he got corrected by them in real time. No American soldiers died under his watch? Forgot about Afghanistan?

Or is it just “pandering” as you say…
I think Biden's lies are due to senility... Trump's lies he actually believes.

I'm scared for the country... either way we are... how does morekaos put it? Doomed.
All this pearl clutching and couch fainting about Biden's electoral chances by those who don't want the Tang Menace anywhere near the White House? What I'm not hearing is this: You have right now a senile dysfunctional with his hand on the nuclear football, provoking another nuclear power into actual combat - either in Syria or in Ukraine. Why aren't you rising up and asking for a 25th Amendment removal of this person? Few remember how often those on the other side of things raised a 25th Amendment case against the Cheeto Hitler, but not Corn Pops? OK...?

As for the lies, I'd say they are exaggerations more than anything else. Examples:

"A few people stormed the Capitol, and some were ushered in by police (paraphrase)". Estimates are that the "Stop the Steal Rally" on January 6th had upwards of 30,000+ people attending. The number of people who breached the Capitol? About 1200. (about 5% of the crowd) Did some Police escort protestors? I saw the unedited J6 security camera tapes, and yes, some were escorted around by the Police - likely just to keep the peace, not in any way to aid the riot. You can watch them as well if you wish.

Did Trump or Biden lower insulin costs? Mainstream media says Biden, but a May 26, 2020 official government announcement says otherwise:

"Trump wouldn't clearly commit that he would accept the 2024 election results if he loses". Well, he said he would accept them if they were "free and fair, and honest". That's a reasonable answer to a loaded question. I'm sure, dear reader, that you wouldn't want to accept an unfair and dishonest election, so why can't the Short Fingered Vulgarian? Remember in context how the D's refused to accept the results of the 2016 election up to and including the Electoral College certification.

"Trump said he had the best economy, etc". Meh, on whole, no. Pre-pandemic? Sure. Is that a yuuge lie? If so, I guess we have a difference between understanding an overstatement and an untruth.

There will be debates and denials all the way to the first week of January 2025. Methinks it best to turn off the alphabet networks TV coverage, given that pretty much everyone's mind is made up, and enjoy the next few months without setting everyone's hair on fire over this.
There were lies more than that.

I actually agree that someone should look at replacing Biden but I think it takes more than a bad showing at a debate to push that through.

I don't recall pushing for Trump to be replaced while he was in office with all his shenanigans. The people spoke at the elections.
From May 2017:

From October 2018:

Also from 2018:

From 2019:

Of course there were more falsehoods and overstatements. I asked for 3, but no volunteers, so I chose the ones the alphabet media is harping on.

Many seem to be falling for the "Illusory truth effect" and helping write a narrative that isn't all that "truthy".

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