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Las Vegas landlord shocked by number of people desperate to rent his 160-square-foot unit for $950/month
He’s even had families with two kids and a dog seeking refuge in the tiny space.
"A landlord who listed a tiny home for rent in the Las Vegas Valley was shocked by the overwhelming response he received from renters desperate to find an affordable place to live.
The anonymous Nevada man listed a self-built, 160-square-foot tiny home for $950 a month, all bills included. The price point clearly struck a chord with cash-strapped house hunters.
The landlord told Fox5 Las Vegas he received over 100 rental applications shortly after listing the unit — which is fully kitted out with a two-burner stove, washer-dryer, fridge, shower, second-floor bedroom and even a small private yard — and his phone “keeps ringing.”
He’s even had families with two children and a dog inquiring about renting the tiny home.
“It’s a tough situation to be in,” he said, expressing sadness that he can’t help everyone who asked to rent the tiny home."