Fire destroys massive, historic north hangar at shuttered Tustin airfield
Two hangars were built in World War II to house blimps; they have been used as filming locations since the military use ended.

Individuals who inhale these tiny particles are at risk for several serious and often fatal diseases, including mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer, asbestosis and pleural thickening.
It is unlikely that anyone in the area of a fire will have more than a short term, low level exposure to asbestos from this fire.
I was thinking that too............. cooking or space heaters.Any word on what caused the fire? My money is on homeless people.
Why would anyone trust the government any more? EPA told people air was ok after 9/11lol just did google search on Asbestos after a fire. the language between a law firm and government is quite interesting.
from a random law firm
House Fires and Asbestos Risk
House fires are a serious issue for homeowners and their families, and the threat is compounded when structures containing harmful substances, such as asbestos, become burned and damaged.angeloslaw.com
from government
qwerarson is my guess.Any word on what caused the fire? My money is on homeless people.
Yes it is. Those were my thoughts exactly. I believe part of the reason they didn’t tear them down was because of the asbestos. The OCFA did say “The fire could burn for several hours, if not days, Fennessy said. There is no known risk of asbestos contamination, he said, and Tuesday’s weather conditions were driving the smoke upward.”
So not sure if the asbestos was cleaned up - highly doubtful. He probably just doesn’t know so which is why he said there is no known risk :-(
Lol! See LL, it was good I sold that legacy property after all......... lol!View attachment 9302
“Oh no! What a fortunate coincidence that this large wooden structure that was deemed too costly/difficult to deconstruct has caught fire while completely vacant and now is getting an unplanned demolition with taxpayer money instead. However could this have happened... Guess we’ll have to build 4 apartment complexes on top of it instead of turning it into the air museum we promised…”