Anyone know what the heck are they doing on Culver/Walnut?

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There has been a road closure there for at least a week now and nothing seem to be done yet.

On top of that, City of Irvine web site does not list said construction on their web site as well.

So anyone knows exactly what the the heck are they doing that's taking two lanes on each side?
Speaking of construction delays...University Dr which turns into Jeffery Rd has construction for another lane from Ridgeline to the 405. Ridgeline gets backed up in the mornings and late afternoon.
I wish I remember this topic. I drove to Tesla today to pick up the Model 3 and Google maps directed me to Culver instead of Jeffrey. Fortunately, there weren't many cars going south on Culver at that hour. I saw cars lining up on the other side going north on Culver.
Thank you. It's about time for them to fix up that portion of the road.

Fingers cross they bury new fiber connection while they are at it.

They have been burying new fiber along Irvine Blvd/Culver/Portola areas over the last couple weeks.
I see them working there all the time. They've switched from the left lanes to the right lanes now.
Yeah, it was about a week of almost no work, but then they finally started full speed ahead.

They have been burying new fiber along Irvine Blvd/Culver/Portola areas over the last couple weeks.
Good, hopefully this is something that Google internet can capitalize, sick of Cox's asymmetric internet and random maintenance schedule without informing their customers.

They also opened up turning in/out of the plaza without smoothing out the new/old road. gave my suspension a work out =___= hopefully nothing broke.
Just got stuck on Culver because of Iranian protest shutting down the area between Culver, Warner and Barranca. while they have a right to protest, it does not come at inconvenience for other people especially this is not even their country. What can regular Irvine residents do for something happening in Iran?
I was driving through there later and the police were able to keep traffic flowing.

What was bad was trying to get out of the Target... people were stuck everywhere.

That's why I said FCBs love Irvine... foreign isn't just Chinese, there are quite a few Iranians, Israelis, Koreans, Indians... you name it in Irvine... that's why the food choices are so varied here. :)
Perhaps someone with a greater understanding of the situation could explain the purpose of the peaceful assembly? That could encourage a greater awareness for the community instead of people being misunderstood from all angles.

I recognize and I am thankful for the many freedoms we are offered in this country and also recognize those same freedoms we have are not guaranteed outside of our borders.