Irvine Unified now requiring annual proof of residency

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<a href="http://''">School district requiring annual proof of residency</a>
[quote author="Astute Observer" date=1238646905]I will pay for your water bill as long as you let me use your address ;)</blockquote>

What about my electricity and gas?
Clever. OCR comment reads:

"monkeymad wrote:

How about stepping it up a notch and requiring proof of citizenship?"

Anyway, yeah I had to provide our proof last week. Had to turn in two types of verification. They wanted all pages of the utility bill presumably to look at activity. Also had to verify the child lives at this address at least five days a week unless there is a custody arrangement and you attach a one page letter explaining, or you could have a non-family person attest under penalty of perjury that the child lives with them - something like that.
<A href=""></A>

The school secretary I dealt with was a stickler about the "Verification of residency inside IUSD" required documents. For gas/electric/water bills, she made me submit a photocopy of both complete parts of the form (including the part that you use to submit payment) that the gas/electric/water company mailed to me and said the online printout was not acceptable. So hang on to your bill and photocopy the whole thing.

<i> Edited to note: See ipoplaya's post below later - he had a different experience than me re: the online printout thing</i>

She said they are also going to be really verifying (ex. for IAC renters, calling the rental office to confirm residency, and presumably have some other way to verify homeowners).
Any easy way to get your paper bill? I am on paperless billing and all of them (sans IRWD) make switching back from the website impossible.

Question, if you are a bona fide Irvine resident, and they deny enrollment because they don't like your online printouts, can you sue them? I mean, where is the kid supposed to go?
[quote author="earthbm" date=1238715403]Any easy way to get your paper bill? I am on paperless billing and all of them (sans IRWD) make switching back from the website impossible.

Question, if you are a bona fide Irvine resident, and they deny enrollment because they don't like your online printouts, can you sue them? I mean, where is the kid supposed to go?</blockquote>

See the required documents link I posted above - there are other things you can give them as proof of residency as well

<i> Edited to note: See ipoplaya's post below later - he had a different experience than me re: the online printout thing</i>

BTW - school secretary told me they are going to make us all do this every year, around the same time - so in early 2010, hang on to your proof of residency docs, because this is going to be a fun annual rite of spring ...

Per <A href=""></A>, projected budget savings due to residency verification is $276,052
the IUSD is going to get in trouble.

Many renters who pay bills online and have direct deposit will not have any of those documents, particularly if they have moved in the previous year, so that they lack income tax docs.

Fortunately for them, these renters are less likely to sue
[quote author="freedomCM" date=1238723750]the IUSD is going to get in trouble.

Many renters who pay bills online and have direct deposit will not have any of those documents, particularly if they have moved in the previous year, so that they lack income tax docs.

Fortunately for them, these renters are less likely to sue</blockquote>

The lease agreement should provide ample proof of residency for "lowly" renters.
[quote author="freedomCM" date=1238743776]a lease document is no where on the list of 2 required documents.</blockquote>

A lease didn't work for me - I asked about my lease and the school secretary wouldn't take it when I moved here originally.
I just registered my son for kindergarten on Monday morning and they had no issues or problems with a printed copy via online access of my SCE and IRWD bills...
[quote author="ipoplaya" date=1238751884]I just registered my son for kindergarten on Monday morning and they had no issues or problems with a printed copy via online access of my SCE and IRWD bills...</blockquote>

Interesting. In my posts above, I edited "they" to "the particular school secretary I was dealing with", perhaps the individual secretaries have different interpretations of the rules.
Well- I just got turned away when trying to register my daughter at Stone Creek Elementary for next year for when she enters 2nd grade.

So, I get there and there is a rather long line. I wait and wait. To which the lady then tells everyone that those registering for next year should make an appointment. I tell the lady that I took the morning off from work so that I could register today. She said, sorry. So then I make an appointment and kindly ask the lady to review the documents that I have so that if I don't have what is needed, I know for when I go for my appointment and won't have to return again.

So, she's looking at everything which looks fine, until we get to the utility bills. When we moved from Chicago, we were in corporate housing, so we opened up a PO Box. We are now renting a home in Woodbridge, but still kept the PO Box for convenience. I printed out the electric, water, gas bills, each showing my home address to which it is servicing, but has the mailing address as our PO Box. I told her we're renting to which her response was, "That's where we have a problem". I was getting so angry. So she said my bills were unacceptable- i have to hurry up and try and change all the addresses to match where we are living and where it is billed to.
[quote author="JoonB" date=1240270540]Well- I just got turned away when trying to register my daughter at Stone Creek Elementary for next year for when she enters 2nd grade.

So, I get there and there is a rather long line. I wait and wait. To which the lady then tells everyone that those registering for next year should make an appointment. I tell the lady that I took the morning off from work so that I could register today. She said, sorry. So then I make an appointment and kindly ask the lady to review the documents that I have so that if I don't have what is needed, I know for when I go for my appointment and won't have to return again.

So, she's looking at everything which looks fine, until we get to the utility bills. When we moved from Chicago, we were in corporate housing, so we opened up a PO Box. We are now renting a home in Woodbridge, but still kept the PO Box for convenience. I printed out the electric, water, gas bills, each showing my home address to which it is servicing, but has the mailing address as our PO Box. I told her we're renting to which her response was, "That's where we have a problem". I was getting so angry. So she said my bills were unacceptable- i have to hurry up and try and change all the addresses to match where we are living and where it is billed to.</blockquote>

Call the district office and be nice at first, get to someone in charge and tell your story, don't let up until you get a satisfactory answer.
I noticed that in Plaza Visat, many kids were disappearing from my kids' classes. Kidst from foreign countries were going back to their homes in the middles of the school year because their parents' job transfer, which I sort of understand but also because they were supposed to be here only for short period of time to learn English or get used to American lifestyle(?).

Well, nothing illegal but PV has 3 different wait lists and I'm sure many ligitimate Irvine residences couldn't go to PV because the spots were taken. I asked the PV clerk about this and if they were willing to let my kid (who's in an upper grade) to stay and at least graduate as long as I move within Irvine. I never got any staright answer. She just kept repeating, "put your kid on wait list next year."

Luckily, we are moving within the PV district so ok for now but making kids changing school in the middle of the year or forcing them to discontinue at such young age because of these "short timers" and foriegners seems unfair to me.

May be I'm too sensitive on this but it looks like LA distric is struggling with a lot of illegal alient kids and Irvine district impacted by rich short time foreigners...
<a href="">Update on Residency and Enrollment</a>

I have a feeling IUSD is going to lose a lot of high scoring students in this process.
Rent a cheapest IAC studio unit in September for just one month and break the lease by paying a $1,000 penalty. Then rent another unit the following years for just a month and repeat the cycles as neccessary. Total cost (12x $1300x1.24 av. rent inflation)= $19,344+(12x$1,000)=$31,344 total expenditure to sending several kids to an Irvine school for 12 years.