You won't believe this Ultra Modern Home in Irvine!!

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This is at the top of Turtle Rock on De Vry Drive. This is the most modern looking house I've ever seen in Irvine.

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These houses look great but look so out of place.  I remember the early modern houses in Mar Vista.  It took a full 10 years before they looked normal and stopped looking completely out of place.  Modern looks good when there is a lot of variation in a street.  A lot of Turtle Rock looks stuck in 1970s with identical facades and tract layouts.
This place either has no HOA, or a very complacent one.  I bet that house looks nothing like its neighbors.
aquabliss said:
This place either has no HOA, or a very complacent one.  I bet that house looks nothing like its neighbors.
I don't think there are style guidelines in the HOA like many of the older neighborhoods in Irvine. There are a few homes in TRock that are rebuilds and look different from their neighboring homes.

You'll see some like that in University Park (the one near Wholesome Choice) and I think College Park.

I think that s is the beginning of the end for the 1960-1980 style homes in this exclusive area Turtle Rock. People will star buying these homes for their intrinsic real estate value.

Looking ahead 10-20 years from now, the market will justify such teardowns and rebuilding of these new style homes. Reminds me of parts of Laguna Beach and Hollywood Hills.

The evolution of modern living!
Hate it. In 20-30 years, this is going to be a "what were they thinking" house. There's older examples of these weird things in University Park. The only modernist houses that I've seen age well are the ones that are surrounded by nature.