'You came from South Korea': Irvine vice-mayor confronted with xenophobia

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'You came from South Korea': Irvine vice-mayor confronted with xenophobic questioning at council meeting

During the meeting, a man identified as Eugene Kaplan, a member of the group of residents who are pushing for Irvine as the site of the cemetery, took to the podium and began expressing xenophobic remarks against Kim, LAist reported.

?You came from South Korea. How do you feel about the 36,574 Americans who died trying to save your country for freedom to allow you to come here and prevent it being overrun by North Koreans and Chinese,? Kaplan, a supporter of Agran, said.

?This is my country,? Kim said, interrupting Kaplan in his speech as attendees showed their support for the politician by round of applause. ?This is my country, and I am an American,? she shouted while Kaplan attempted to repeat his previous statement.

?Yeah, you're American because you're lucky enough to live to get here,? Kaplan said in his reply to Kim.