W's Legacy

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In a few short months, we'll have a new President. I am looking forward to it. One of my biggest annoyances with George W. Bush's administration is the cavalier and patronizing attitude to oversight.

I'm curious on thoughts of either an Obama or McCain Presidency will handle the continued fallout from the Bush legacy, not with the Iraq war, economy or other items, but instead, with their thumbing their nose at government process and oversight. Things like <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25622771">Rove's ignoring the congressional subpoena on the judicial pressure inquiry.</a> Guantanamo, etc.

Will it be bygones and nobody will dig because the political motivation isn't there, will there be a comeuppance and witchhunt or an actual valid inquiry where the former staffers have no skirts in the executive branch to hide behind?

Will it differ if McCain wins versus Obama?
It is my personal belief that those who DO NOT fall inline or are not infavor with the next administration will be pushed out by a variety of means. Some of those means might include intimidation, public leaking of private information and our outright exposure of the "dirty little secrets" that most people in Washington have. Never mind that the people exposing said secrets are just as guilty of them....

I can't remember which group said they would stop sending contributions in unless the Republicans started working towards lesser govt. instead of more... humm....

I'm seriously looking forward to being able to not wear the "I'm with stupid --->" t-shirt when I travel abroad:

George Bush surprised world leaders with a joke about his poor record on the environment as he left the G8 summit in Japan.

The American leader, who has been condemned throughout his presidency for failing to tackle climate change, ended a private meeting with the words: "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter."

He then punched the air while grinning widely, as the rest of those present including Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy looked on in shock.

I've never liked Hilary, but the one thing that I thought she would do over Obama is make sure that those responsible for crimes against our civil liberties and absolute disregard for our laws and Constitution would not walk away scott free. With one of the foundations of Obama's campaign being about reaching across the aisle and working together, I don't think we'll see justice for those who should be tried. However, Congress is going to be even more blue in '09, so you never know. As much as I like the idea of moving on and forward with the mountainous task of turning this ship around, it really bothers me that these people are going to get away with the destruction they bestowed on us.
I'm sorry, but as much as I have tried to resist responding to this post today, I could not resist reposting <a href="http://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/2008/07/uh-oh-bad-sign.html">this post</a> from The Big Picture:

Marketwatch reports that the government discussed a contingency plan in case the unthinkable happens, and Fannie Mae (FNM) and Freddie Mac (FRE) were to fail.

But don't worry -- the Bush administration DOES NOT expect the entities to fail. And, they note no rescue plan is imminent.

Rex Nutting says Uh-Oh! This is a major contrary indicator, and it suggests Freddie and Fannie are toast!


"Is there any surer sign of an impending disaster than a reassurance from the White House that it doesn't expect it to happen?"

Rex adds this short list of other things that the Bush administration didn't expect:

Terrorists to fly airplanes into buildings.

Saddam Hussein to have been telling the truth about not having any weapons of mass destruction.

Iraqis to object to a long-term occupation by a foreign power.

Hurricane Katrina.

People in New Orleans to object to the government's response to Hurricane Katrina.

The Democrats to take control of Congress.

The Democrats to cave in so easily on important issues after they took control of Congress.

Scooter Libby to get caught.

Jack Abramoff to get caught.

Abu Ghraib to be discovered.

Scott McClellan to smell the coffee.

The housing bubble.

The credit bubble.

The housing collapse.

The credit squeeze.

Bear Stearns to fail.

Gee, that's a tough list to argue against . . .
With that pollution contribution, my only thought is that

NOBODY could be that stupid, not even the Shrub.

I therefore conclude he must be on drugs. Or, the pressure

of being so hated and reviled must have pushed him right

over the edge. Not a good place for a leader of the only

country with nukes, which has actually used, them to be.
I've grappled with the "is he really that stupid" question many times and have only been forced to conclude, that yes, he is really that stupid. He spent so much of his life just partying as a privelaged child that he never got to mature like a normal adult, including his intellectual capacity. He was like a 12 year old going in and has probably grown into an average 17 year old after nearly 8 years in office. We don't let teenagers drink, have different laws for them behind the wheel,etc... but we let one run our country.
I think the President is a man of convictions. I'm of the opinion that he feels he's doing the right thing, and that he doesn't really care what people or the poles say about him, becuase doing the right thing will untimately vindicate him.

I also think he's dead wrong, but we'll see. Nothing like the next 25 years of presidential historians to critique the rise (and peak) of the Republicans.

If I can say one thing about my closet hero Karl Rove, he knows how to quit when he's ahead. If you haven't read "Bush's Brain", you should. Even if you hate Karl and W. And especially if you don't. You'll learn a couple of things that will frankly shock you, like how really smart and really sociopathic Karl is. And how he knows he has the personality of two day old spit. And how he absolutely licked the Bush family boots time and time again to stay in thier graces.


Both of Karl's parents committed suicide, interestlingly enough.
<blockquote></blockquote>and that he doesn?t really care what people or the<strong> poles </strong>say about him, becuase doing the right thing will untimately vindicate him. "

Well, I'm Polish and I still think he's stupid :) Seriously Vas, it's not just stupidity, but absolute ignorance to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. I know he's insulated from seeing the real carnage he's created, but still it is absolute stupidity for him not see that his ideological views of how things should be done maybe need to be re thought. Especially since he has now taken to reading a book now and then, not just dick and jane to 1st graders while 4 hijacked planes that he was warned about over and over and over were slamming themselves into the very icons of America. It's absolutely stupid to be so idealogical that you can't see reality. Maybe you we substitute stubborn for stupid, but I think they are one in the same.
<blockquote></blockquote>Both of Karl?s parents committed suicide, interestlingly enough<blockquote></blockquote>
Didn't know that, but then if I was responsible for giving birth to that monster, I just might do it myself.
He might be a monster, but he was/is really really good at what he did. Politics generally isn't a field for Nobel Prize candidates, and especially the function that Karl provided.

Remember, nobody feels bad for the garbageman or the folks that clean up the mess after a suicide.

BTW, while there are beautiful women everywhere in the world, IMO the Polish women are the most attractive. You like blondes? Brunettes? Slim? Athletic? Buxom? Short? Tall? As long as you like them pretty, Poland can accomdate you.
I don't like the word legacy with the word Bush in the same sentence.

Legacy seems like a good thing. . .

That being said, the polution thing is something that somebody on drugs,

drunk or over the edge just barely functioning insane would say. He

doesn't care what these people think 'cause he's gonna start WWW III?

Whooooaaah. I just scared myself.
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<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
Bush wasn't being stupid with the "polluter" remark. Bush is mean. One of the policy goals of his administration has been to prevent any move by the US to control greenhouse gas emissions, and he has succeeded. The other conference attendees have failed in one of their big goals, to get the US to take some action. Bush beat them, and he was gleefully rubbing their noses in it.