Wrong way driver?

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Not sure if you heard the news, but a wrong way driver ran head on into a cop on the 10 freeway this morning, killing them both.

<a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-freeway-crash29-2009jan29,0,5191247.story">http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-freeway-crash29-2009jan29,0,5191247.story</a>

I have no idea how a sober person could drive the wrong way on a freeway. I'm even more amazed that a police officer could be the victim of a "head on" collision. I guess at a combined speed of 150mph a car could really sneak up on you.

I'm curious if anyone has had a close call with a wrong way driver on a freeway?

"Let's be careful out there..."