Work in Irvine - live outside

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I work in Irvine, but live in another city. Is it possible to send my children to Irvine schools, and if so, can anyone provide links with further info?


Here is a C&P- the answer is no.
Every effort is made to keep this list current; however, this list is subject to change without notice.

The closed grade levels and schools listed below are for the 2009-2010 school year
and may or may not apply to the subsequent school year.



Please see our school maps under the "School" link for boundary information.
graceomally/BK can teach you the ways of going to a school district you do not live in.

I can think of a few off the top of my head but the people who pay the premium to live in Irvine may not appreciate it.
[quote author="JoonB"]

Here is a C&P- the answer is no.
Every effort is made to keep this list current; however, this list is subject to change without notice.

The closed grade levels and schools listed below are for the 2009-2010 school year
and may or may not apply to the subsequent school year.



Please see our school maps under the "School" link for boundary information.


People skirt this issue in every city by renting within desirable district lines and claiming residency, or claiming to live with a relative, or... there are a thousand ways to skin this cat.

Many times this is for academics but I've seen it for athletics and/or special ed programs, as well.

It happens, but personally I would not encourage the practice. I have heard about it ending badly during audit season: like Russian Roulette, everything is fine until it's not. And when it's not, IS2BU.

there is always a way to petition with the district... especially if the student has establish relationships; have lived in Irvine before... i think they review it case by case...
Buy the cheapest detached house below rental parity within the school district.

1) Plan on keeping it for 12 years and sell it to pay for kids Harvard tuition. All Irvine kids automatically advance to Harvard, Yale and Princeton after Irvine schools. Irvine property never loses value assuming the worst case scenario such as breaking even my child still got a free education.

2) I don't live there to compromise 12 years of my life. Rent out the property and use the property tax, HOA, waste management and gas bill for school registration. Prorate gas into rent. Renter pays for her own water and electric bill.

3) Make sure kids become the legacy students of each school. Administrator and teachers never want to let go the top student of their school. They will always look the other way. Make sure kids school projects are incredibly amazing that the schools want to display them as permanent collection in the library to impress future students parent as well being recycled for the yearly school open house. Irvine schools are very image conscientious and will display project long after the students had graduated. (never put a date on the project to keep it timeless and I certainly did not learn this wisdom from Irvine)

4) Positive cash flow and free education for 12 years. It is too bad that I have just one kid. I think I need to convert to LDS and have a dozen of kids so I can totally take advantage of the free Irvine education. It is nice to have 4 doctors, 4 attorneys, 4 semi conductor engineers and 0 politician in the family.
[quote author="graceomalley"]Buy the cheapest detached house below rental parity within the school district.

1) Plan on keeping it for 12 years and sell it to pay for kids Harvard tuition. All Irvine kids automatically advance to Harvard, Yale and Princeton after Irvine schools. Irvine property never loses value assuming the worst case scenario such as breaking even my child still got a free education.

2) I don't live there to compromise 12 years of my life. Rent out the property and use the property tax, HOA, waste management and gas bill for school registration. Prorate gas into rent. Renter pays for her own water and electric bill.

3) Make sure kids become the legacy students of each school. Administrator and teachers never want to let go the top student of their school. They will always look the other way. Make sure kids school projects are incredibly amazing that the schools want to display them as permanent collection in the library to impress future students parent as well being recycled for the yearly school open house. Irvine schools are very image conscientious and will display project long after the students had graduated. (never put a date on the project to keep it timeless and I certainly did not learn this wisdom from Irvine)

4) Positive cash flow and free education for 12 years. It is too bad that I have just one kid. I think I need to convert to LDS and have a dozen of kids so I can totally take advantage of the free Irvine education. It is nice to have 4 doctors, 4 attorneys, 4 semi conductor engineers and 0 politician in the family.
[quote author="graceomalley"]Buy the cheapest detached house below rental parity within the school district.

1) Plan on keeping it for 12 years and sell it to pay for kids Harvard tuition. All Irvine kids automatically advance to Harvard, Yale and Princeton after Irvine schools. Irvine property never loses value assuming the worst case scenario such as breaking even my child still got a free education.

2) I don't live there to compromise 12 years of my life. Rent out the property and use the property tax, HOA, waste management and gas bill for school registration. Prorate gas into rent. Renter pays for her own water and electric bill.

3) Make sure kids become the legacy students of each school. Administrator and teachers never want to let go the top student of their school. They will always look the other way. Make sure kids school projects are incredibly amazing that the schools want to display them as permanent collection in the library to impress future students parent as well being recycled for the yearly school open house. Irvine schools are very image conscientious and will display project long after the students had graduated. (never put a date on the project to keep it timeless and I certainly did not learn this wisdom from Irvine)

4) Positive cash flow and free education for 12 years. It is too bad that I have just one kid. I think I need to convert to LDS and have a dozen of kids so I can totally take advantage of the free Irvine education. It is nice to have 4 doctors, 4 attorneys, 4 semi conductor engineers and 0 politician in the family.

Thx for the info - now all I need is a house that is below rental parity and different dna so my kids will make the amazing projects
[quote author="StuffIt"]
[quote author="graceomalley"]Buy the cheapest detached house below rental parity within the school district.

1) Plan on keeping it for 12 years and sell it to pay for kids Harvard tuition. All Irvine kids automatically advance to Harvard, Yale and Princeton after Irvine schools. Irvine property never loses value assuming the worst case scenario such as breaking even my child still got a free education.

2) I don't live there to compromise 12 years of my life. Rent out the property and use the property tax, HOA, waste management and gas bill for school registration. Prorate gas into rent. Renter pays for her own water and electric bill.

3) Make sure kids become the legacy students of each school. Administrator and teachers never want to let go the top student of their school. They will always look the other way. Make sure kids school projects are incredibly amazing that the schools want to display them as permanent collection in the library to impress future students parent as well being recycled for the yearly school open house. Irvine schools are very image conscientious and will display project long after the students had graduated. (never put a date on the project to keep it timeless and I certainly did not learn this wisdom from Irvine)

4) Positive cash flow and free education for 12 years. It is too bad that I have just one kid. I think I need to convert to LDS and have a dozen of kids so I can totally take advantage of the free Irvine education. It is nice to have 4 doctors, 4 attorneys, 4 semi conductor engineers and 0 politician in the family.

Thx for the info - now all I need is a house that is below rental parity and different dna so my kids will make the amazing projects[/quote]

Not to worry because my kid can help and tutor your kids. She is a mentor at Pioneer right now teaching younger students do amazing and memorable projects. She also holds workshops to encourage kids to be original and creative with their idea and not copy previous projects like the herd mentality.