Wild Rivers closing for more Apartments

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
locolocal said:

Actually, aren't some of the Woodbury homes near Sand Canyon deemed affordable housing? Does anyone know what that actually means...So, if I make under a certain amount a year, I'm able to purchase that home at a discount? What if I want to move?
Low income housing. Not a fan, economically or personally.

I do commend Irvine's efforts for taking on the communist state of California's continued efforts at social engineering. What's next? No toys in our Happy Meals? Oh wait...

LIH shouldn't be up to the State. It should be up to each city. If Irvine doesn't want to build any LIH, and there is a significant demand for LIH, then other cities that want the revenue will build LIH units. People who don't want to live near LIH will simply not live in those cities. So each city will have to decide on its own which revenue they want, from LIH tenants or from its other citizens who may or may not stay there, or decide not to move there. Also, since the decision is local, the citizens of each city will decide for their own city if, and how much, LIH they want. So for people in Irvine who desire LIH for themselves or for others, and they are in sufficient number, they could vote it into existence. If one choice doesn't work as well as another, they can vote to go the other way whenever they wish, switching as many times as they want. This is why all politics should be local.

As to the argument, "government employees don't make enough to live in some cities without LIH," I say, so what? First off, with Newport Beach lifeguards and firemen making over $100K a year, I don't think it's a problem. I think it's a problem they make that much, but that's a different story. And again, if citizens of a city do not want LIH then they simply have to pay enough to their firemen and police, etc... to make it worth it for them to commute from somewhere else or to afford to buy within the city limits. Alternatively, citizens could vote to support a limited number of LIH units that are specifically for such employees. Point is, the citizens of each city should decide how best to handle their unique, local, situation...not a bunch of socialist political vote panderers in Sacramento cramming their vote-gathering agenda down everyone's throat.

Look at San Francisco banning Happy Meals with toys, and now working on banning circumcision. I completely disagree with both of these, but hey, if the citizens of SF want to pass freedom destroying laws imposing them on everyone inside the city limits, go for it. Now if the State tried to pass those same laws, and they passed, there would be hundreds of cities that would not want those laws but would be forced to comply. Politics has to stay local. Besides, eventually the residents of SF will figure it out...some of the ones that voted for the Happy Meal ban will now be told by others they can't perform circumcisions and be outraged just like some of the ban-circumcision voters were outraged about the Happy Meal ban...and maybe they will begin to see that when everyone has the right to vote away everyone else's rights, everyone loses...and maybe they will return to the concept of Freedom and individual rights and natural law and realize we all need to decide for ourselves what is best, as long as those decisions don't impede on anyone else.

Alright, done with that rant...

Yes, there is at least one apartment community in Woodbury that is LIH. We were informed about it when we moved in. It didn't matter that we didn't go there. I have a neighbor who is only here because he gets a nice fat discount on his apartment from TIC as one of their maintenance employees. So it's LIKE living in LIH.

He leaves his trash bags outside the front door for days. His 15 year old daughter just had a baby by a kid that parks his ghetto blaster car under my window where I can hear them argue about him flirting with other girls on his Facebook page as I catch the latest from 50 Cent. They have a two-car garage to my one, but decided to use theirs as living space (bedroom) because they have more kids than they can fit in the apartment so they take up two extra parking spaces outside that they shouldn't be which I think of every night I come home and can't park nearby. Since they use the garage as their front door, it opens and closes all day long, meanwhile their front door, which now acts like their backdoor, perpetually has a big honking stroller and skateboard in front of it along with the trash bags. Their patio is always full of junk and the blinds on some of their windows and doors are broken and bent or missing.

Yeah. LIH. Not a fan at all. We live in what I think is a beautiful city, in a clean, pristine, well manicured neighborhood that I am proud of and do what I can to keep it clean and nice, and it hasn't made the slightest impact on my neighbor..which is the other half of the argument in favor of LIH...that somehow living in higher-end neighborhoods will somehow make others act higher-end. Nope. It's easier to get people out of the ghetto than it is to get the ghetto out of people. But that never deters the LIH socialist politician agenda.

Damn,I haven't even had my morning coffee yet. I gotta read this board AFTER I have coffee from now on.  ;)

The link below is a list of them in Irvine and their wait times (as of the date of that list).
CTNative said:
He leaves his trash bags outside the front door for days. His 15 year old daughter just had a baby by a kid that parks his ghetto blaster car under my window where I can hear them argue about him flirting with other girls on his Facebook page as I catch the latest from 50 Cent. They have a two-car garage to my one, but decided to use theirs as living space (bedroom) because they have more kids than they can fit in the apartment so they take up two extra parking spaces outside that they shouldn't be which I think of every night I come home and can't park nearby. Since they use the garage as their front door, it opens and closes all day long, meanwhile their front door, which now acts like their backdoor, perpetually has a big honking stroller and skateboard in front of it along with the trash bags. Their patio is always full of junk and the blinds on some of their windows and doors are broken and bent or missing.

Precisely why I only buy in areas with strict HOAs.
I'm wondering how much the apartments would cost compared to ours.

I guess it is only the apartments and not the condos or anything else. Thank god!
CT, why don't you just move?  Have you complained to the apartment managers?

And the reason that affordable housing quotas are done regionally should be readily apparent:  exclusionary zoning.  There is a long history regarding this.
freedomcm said:
CT, why don't you just move?  Have you complained to the apartment managers?

I don't move for a few reasons. I sorta feel I need to explain why I have not moved via buying as well, so this is longer than it should be.

The first is that I'm an expert renter. I've been throwing my money down a rental rat hole since 1992 when I moved here at 19. It wasn't until I started dating my wife in 2001 that I started looking at homes, but we just weren't making enough for me to feel comfortable buying. I was about 28, she was 25, just out of college.

Then in 2004 while still on the "poor" side, I needed to save for an engagement ring, so in 2005 I proposed, in 2006 I got married. So in 2004 and 2005 I really started learning about the housing bubble. I was reading papers from Shiller I downloaded from the Yale library and had just discovered patrick.net's website. I was on a tear. I couldn't read enough information fast enough.

So it became the perfect storm, right when we could finally afford a home because BOTH our careers took off like a rocket in 2005 and we finally had the income, housing was skyrocketing way out ahead of us in its own way, and so I had a choice, put the ring, the wedding and the honeymoon on credit and buy a house in a bubble, or pay for the ring, the wedding, and the honeymoon in cash and wait for the house. I did (b).

It's been a waiting game ever since. Waiting, and waiting and waiting. If this is Barney Frank's idea of making homes affordable, I'd like to have a word with him. Several short ones, actually. It was like having it snatched away just as you're reaching for it.

Anyway, since I'm a Renter Extraordinaire now, I can say that there is no place I've ever rented that didn't have some level of ghettofabulosity in it. It's just a question of which ghettotastic you're willing to live with and what you're not. In this case, knowing I was going to have to find a housing bubble bunker, I searched out brand new developments and contacted them before the build out, and jumped into a carriage unit. I have nobody under or above, and only share one small wall with neighbors I never see. The thing I hated the most about renting was noisy neighbors above and below, so this took care of that. I have a corner unit facing out to a park so it feels very private, and its quiet, so I will stay here until Barney says I can move.

So in a really big watermelon sized nutshell, that is why I don't move. My neighbor is ghettofabulous, but compared to what I've lived through everywhere else I've rented, and that most of his infractions are passive in nature and so not directly intrusive, I made the trade off.

And oh yes, I did complain about the trash bags. I cut him slack on the bedroom garage, I felt bad for his kids, it's not their fault. So the bags were gone for a few weeks, then they were back. Apartment managers are all the same no matter where you go, they only hire used car sales people that have Lease-heimers, they know your name until you sign the lease, then they forget who you are. I expected that, no surprise there.

As to "exclusionary zoning," I'll need more information on that. A lot of times a bad law is defended by pointing at another law that supports it...but that law could be just as bad. So without more information, I have to wonder if "exclusionary zoning" is creating an unintended consequence or is their a law that created the unintended consequence of "exclusionary zoning" itself, and so on and on. A lot of bad laws are strings of more bad laws trying to counter the effects of all the bad laws before them. Need info.
I have always wondered about the Arbor at Woodbury. Whenever I drove by I was puzzled because it looks like apartments but there is no leasing office. It is kind of ironic that the new/newer SFH projects in Woodbury (San Mario and the upcoming one) are relatively close to the Arbor.
you can google it,but basically many east coast municipalities zone a minimum lot size that is too expensive for the riff-raff to afford, like an acre, so as to exclude.

there are now state mandated 'inclusionary zoning' regs in MA, CT, and NJ (that I know of, may be many more) that mean that 10-20% of new housing is 'affordable' by allowing developers to build on smaller lots.

Of course, TIC does this, but charges a premium to be close to your neighbors!

irvinehomeowner said:
Sounds like CT might be saving tons of cash since 06... so maybe there is light at the end of the rental tunnel.

I'd be an FCB if I could just convince my wife to eBay all her shoes  ;)

Speaking of FCB...they are all moved in now just next to me. So weird. Less than two months ago I'm sipping coffee on my balcony watching them put tiles on the roof and putting the plaster on the walls. Now there are lights on and cars out front and kids running through the door. Looks like they've been there forever. And I don't just mean the one RIGHT next to me...I mean the entire row. Maybe 8 homes (By "home" I am applying the Irvine definition which includes condos, of which these are (or were), for $650,000 each).

Anyway...we've been saving. Yep. I feel really good about it. We've been doing the stuff you're supposed to be doing so even though we get down sometimes on not having a house, my pep up is that we'll be in a really good position at the bottom of this. Hope I didn't jinx myself.
freedomcm said:
you can google it,but basically many east coast municipalities zone a minimum lot size that is too expensive for the riff-raff to afford, like an acre, so as to exclude.

Or west coast communities with super high mello roos!