Why Irvine is like the iPhone...

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Some recent threads on OCR, the latest release of the iPhone 4, the homeselling pace of WB/WBE and the still high prices of Irvine makes this comparison pretty accurate:

1. Both have a devoted fan base.
2. People who despise either iPhone or Irvine tend to call the the fans "sheeple".
3. Both have premium prices but are missing some premium features (changeable battery, external memory, big lot sizes, real driveways)
4. Apple or TIC can almost charge whatever they want and do nothing feature-wise, yet people will still buy them because of the perception of quality

Now #4 is a bit hyperbolic because there are things that ring true about the quality of an iPhone and of Irvine. Detractors tend to overlook them to give their position more strength but in the end, it's very hard to argue with facts.

- iPhone is easy to use.
- iPhone has lots of users and therefore lots of apps.
- iPhone has great support from Apple
- iPhone has sold millions in just a week

- Irvine has great schools
- Irvine is ranked high in public safety
- Irvine is master planned and supported well by The Irvine Company
- Irvine has sold hundreds of homes in just a few months

I could go on but what it comes down to is personal preference. While one may argue that people who want to buy in Irvine have no sense of what a good home is and are just buying into the TIC marketing and are sheeple, the same can be said about an iPhone. But when one defends that an iPhone is functional, has great features or is easier to use... then you can say the same things about Irvine.

You can pay more for an iPhone and not be able to switch our your battery or add more memory... but you do that because of the other things it does. So you pay more for Irvine and you may not have the huge lot or backyard... but it's the other things that count.
Patrick Star said:
You better go post that on BK's iPhome thread at OCR.
Is this the thread you are talking about?


That is when BK shines... talking about real estate instead of police conspiracies. I missed the iPhone reference (it was in one of his later posts) so I went back and checked and this is the gem BK posted:
BK said:
In order to sell new products TIC must include more internal features just like the new Iphone 4 with video chat features to make the older versions obsolete and less desirable. Both great room and California Room are key components that differentiate the new from the old. That is really the goal. The consumer research is a nice PR piece. 100% of the consumers also want bigger yards too! Obviously selective hearing took place.
While I don't agree with BK on several things... there are many points he makes in that thread that are awesome and you should give it a read.
Everyone,  I am the person that's asking "Do you have the White one?" and "Can you waive the activation fee?" in the video.

Here is the pro-iPhone version.

irvinehomeowner said:
Patrick Star said:
You better go post that on BK's iPhome thread at OCR.
Is this the thread you are talking about?

It seems PatStar was referring to a different thread:

I must have missed that post but it is pretty funny:
BK said:
Well after signing up and registering on line and all that waiting for my new 4G Iphome. I took the opportunity of rubbing it in front of other people's faces while I spent much of my time at the airport today. I wanted to make sure that other people see the chrome edges of my Iphome. I can see the envious faces on other people who has an older model of an Iphome. I really enjoy the feeling of showing it off and telling people that I am a 4G Iphome owner.

I also wanted to blog about the various options and applications I got and hope to find other 4G IpHome owners so we can congratulate each other as the master of the universe. Wow that feeling of seeing others not having this limited supply of Iphome really made me feel superior like I am John I-Holmes.

Being a lucky Iphome owner and holding a such prestigious honor I know this Ihome will automatically bring success to my business. Did I mention about my Iphome having a California Video Chat feature that the rest of losers still carrying the old IPhome just don't measure up to my superiority. I know I overpaid for this tiniest thing that is packed 20,000 units per carton but the feeling of owning and holding it is just priceless.

In 8 months when Apple East comes out with another new IPhome my trendy piece of crap would just become another faded memory.
This is almost as good as the jumpcut video link and I should clear some things up that are being misconstrued over there. I did not "steal" this topic from OCR. As I said in my opening, certain opinions over there, the current iPhone hype, the Woodbury/WBE sellout and my own comparisons between Apple/Steve Jobs and The Irvine Company is what made me post this thread.

My iPhone 4 thread was posted way before BK's police conspiracy thread and this was just an offshoot of it. So all my fans over there... RELAX... there is no conspiracy to cover-up thread topic stealing by the TIPD.
I have no beef at all with BK... just trying to give a fair counterpoint to some of his generalizations. I already disproved his "icicle gun suicide" nonsense... and the fact that he is an iPhone fan yet ridicules all the Irvinites is typical BKocrisy that I'm trying to mitigate because there is a shared readership between the two sites.

As for OCR... I have not banished myself from it... I read it daily and am very thankful for the great content they have on it... so much so I like to share it here at TI.

As for getting a room... we are both married and even if we weren't... BK wouldn't be able to handle the IHO view lot.

As for my sig... fixed that.
Panda said:
shokunin said:
jumpcut said:

Oh that is effin hilarious, even though I have the iDropPhoneCalls4.

haha! I love this line.. you do realize that it doesn't mean anything at it is just a brand. "They could build a home out of cow sh$t on a tiny a$$ lot and call it an "Irvine home" and asians will still have a big boner and will pay 40% premium for it. :)

Loved that video! LOL!
I'm not sure if you guys know this... but the EVO 4G phone is also hard to get. While their sales did not compare to the iPhone 4, they were in high demand and because they use an OLED screen and that is currently in a manufacturing shortage, they are having problems keeping up with demand too.

And fe9000... they have a white one also (although only the back like the iPhone 3G/3Gs).

The Droid Incredible is also seeing Irvine-like shortages.

Both those phones are like Tustin Ranch or Aliso Viejo where it's comparable, just as new and also over-priced/wanted.
irvinehomeowner said:
And fe9000... they have a white one also (although only the back like the iPhone 3G/3Gs).

The Droid Incredible is also seeing Irvine-like shortages.

Both those phones are like Tustin Ranch or Aliso Viejo where it's comparable, just as new and also over-priced/wanted.

I don't care!  It's not an iPHONE.

I could be totally wrong on this but I heard that discontinued the Incredible already.