Who is available to play with me tennis with me between Nov 20 -24th in Irvine?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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The last time I visited Irvine was at the 2010 Woodbury collection and am very interested to see how much Irvine has changed in the past 7 years. I will be in Irvine between November 20th - 24th to visit family in Orange County and LA.

Looking for one or two intermediate level tennis players who would be interested in playing a singles game with me that week. If available and want to burn some calories with me, send me a PM.

aka Panda 
Homer. you interested in playing doubles? The more you play with people who play better than you, you will also get better.

Homer_Simpson said:
I would but I am not intermediate. Just started so I'm barely getting into the "swing" of things  :P