Which generation are you?

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The cutoffs for generations vary, so if you are near a cutoff pick the one you identify with the most.

If you don't see your choice listed, you're either >108 years old or <9, and in either case it's past your bedtime.


<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_generations">Wikipedia's list of generations</a>

<a href="http://www.fourthturning.com/my_html/body_generations_in_history.html">Strauss and Howe's List</a>
[quote author="T!m" date=1234240685]I don't know what Generation Jones is, but it sounds the coolest, so I picked it.</blockquote>

Jim Jones 1978, the Devil in Mrs. Jones 1972 or Tom Jones 2,000 BC
^ Funny thing - my son went to preschool with "Jennifer"'s child. She also went to our church. She lives in Ontario, believe it or not.
<img src="http://photos-904.friendster.com/e1/photos/40/98/28308904/1_426695523l.jpg" alt="" /><img src="http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs4/i/2004/258/b/1/DX_SUCK_IT__ID_by_D_Generation_X.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="IrvineRealtor" date=1234263683]I had a crush on skek's sister, Mallory.</blockquote>

And today you have no idea why. But his <em>mom</em>, you think, now <em>she's <u>*hawt*</u>!</em> ;)
[quote author="Daedalus" date=1234279093][quote author="IrvineRealtor" date=1234263683]I had a crush on skek's sister, Mallory.</blockquote>

And today you have no idea why. But his <em>mom</em>, you think, now <em>she's <u>*hawt*</u>!</em> ;)</blockquote>

She still has a brick house body, but she certainly didn't age very well.

<img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Justine_bateman_7-10-2007.jpg" alt="" />