Where was this photo taken in Irvine #18

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Judging by the trees in the background, the landscaping looks like University Park or Woodbridge, but it could be Turtle Rock too... I'm lousy at this game.
An Irvine community where residents are very active in the community. A lot of volunteers and people promoting education and cultural events. A community where families are not struggling to have dual incomes in order to make a mortgage and found little time left after raising family. This place the citizens found a better fulfillment and happiness in life where their extra time is not for keeping up with the Joneses or driving that fancy car but to give their time to the community and working with the city and raised money for a small monument that is meaningful for all races.
I got a little hint from Camaray. Here is a hint for everyone else.

<img src="http://img.groundspeak.com/waymarking/large/bd871ba4-d531-48fc-97ba-c26453da2277.jpg" alt="" />
<img src="http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:TfZ8BMVhgs13XM:http://theliberalstore.com/Stickers/PeaceCarEmblem.gif" alt="" />

clue #1

<img src="http://www.saisd.org/media/images/DistrictHighlights/5172007_MichelleRuizPoleVault.jpg" alt="" />

Clue #2

<img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/90/University_High,_Irvine,_Ca_-_Entrance.jpg/369px-University_High,_Irvine,_Ca_-_Entrance.jpg" alt="" />

Clue #3

<img src="http://joshaas.net/weblog_images/west_philly/clark_park1.jpg" alt="" />

Clue #4
<a href="http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=pm95v255fndv&style=b&lvl=2&tilt;=-90&dir=0&alt;=-1000&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&scene=32253221&sp=Point.pm95v255fndv_Peace Pole University Park____&encType=1">Peace Pole University Park</a>
[quote author="irvine_grad" date=1252564897]<a href="http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=pm95v255fndv&style=b&lvl=2&tilt;=-90&dir=0&alt;=-1000&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&scene=32253221&sp=Point.pm95v255fndv_Peace Pole University Park____&encType=1">Peace Pole University Park</a></blockquote>

Congratulation to Irvinegrad for solving the mystery pole.