Where to buy a small A/V rack?

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I need a small A/V rack that will sit on top of a dresser (or table or desk).  Oddly, stores use them for their in-store displays but doesn't seem to sell them.  Anyone know where I can get one?

The purpose is to stack cable box, Xbox, and Wii.  Must have enough clearance for heat.  Tried to find stuff at Lowes and Home Depo to put together but did not find anything ideal.  Preferably wood, no glass, and not too expensive.

Got a $30 wire rack, probably same one sold at Target for same price.  Wanted a black one but for some odd reason both Target and Home Depo only stocked stainless steel and white coated.  Ended up buying the stainless steel one.

Because our living room floor is uneven, this was actually a great little shelf with adjustable feet.