Where in Irvine was this photo taken? #2

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Here is another one. Where in Irvine would you have found this? If you really love your city then this should be a no brainer.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1248999980]Here is another one. Where in Irvine would you have found this? If you really love your city then this should be a no brainer.</blockquote>

On the old James Irvine ranch site near the Katie Wheeler Library? (The original Irvine Blvd.)
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1249000436]Uh? My eyes are playing tricks on me. ;-)</blockquote>

lol.. I just split bk's new photo into it's own thread :)

The door is not centered and your eye sight is fine. You know that I would not post something this obvious. Try again.
We have to ban Irvine Realtor from Irvine Trivia to prolong the suspense.

<a href="http://www.ocfarmschool.org/History.htm">http://www.ocfarmschool.org/History.htm</a>

He is right about the farm school. The building was originally on the outskirt perimeter of UCI seen from Culver Dr. It was relocated to an undisclosed location when the land was pressured for student housing that we see today adjacent to Culver.

Since so many members are concern about schools they should read about this school and the parents and Alumni testimonies.
[quote author="ABC123" date=1249006619]That can't be Irvine. The trees are too tall.

and I thought white picket fences aren't allowed</blockquote>

After Bren took over TIC white picket fence was no longer allowed in the Mediterranean vernacular.
Ok, Bk. Where's our 3rd game? I think Deuce Smartypants should have to wait until the rest of us have had a turn on the next one. At least give me two tries first. haha!