Where did all the Real Estate Agents go!

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?Where did all the Real Estate Agents Go!?

(taken from a recent News Wire Release)

With all the news of the Sub Prime Mess, Credit Crunch, Layoffs, a couple thousand here, more and more there, the Fed this, Dow Jones that, no one talks about a couple of Real Estate Agents who left this office, a couple more left that office. Why? Because it happens just like that, a couple here, a couple there. No big news. . . . a recent survey stated 60% of all R. E. Agents are gone. Only 5% are making any money. 35% are struggling and probably gone by the time this hits the news stands. If you add all them up, it makes GM, Citi and other layoffs look small. So . . . Where did all the Real Estate Agents Go! . . . they don?t get unemployment, they don?t get Welfare or Food Stamps. . . . So in order to survive Real Estate Agents have gone Global. They survive and they trive! They make it! They go Global. . . .

Check out . . . www.AgentsGoneGlobal.com and see for yourself Where the Real Estate Agents have Gone! . . .

(partial of a recent News Wire Release)


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