Finding and creating a social network is not easy. This is where I my opinions depart from BKs? You can find genuine community almost wherever you live in Irvine. Yes, some Villages might be easier than other but to foster what you have mentioned:
*lots of kids
* kids actually play together
* neighbors actually greet each other and become friends
* not too uptight or snooty
* good schools, but not cutthroat
* HOAs that aren?t TOO hypervigilant
YOU have to initiate that contact! You can?t just move into the ?perfect? community and have these things come to you.
There are families at every stage in every Irvine neighborhood! We couldn?t believe there were moms taking their infants strolling in the parking structure at Watermarke, but there it was! You just have to find them and, again initiate contact. Get out of your house; take walks, go to tot-lots, neighborhood activities, sit by the pool, got knock on your neighbor?s doors! Yes, houses have doorbells, use it!
It?s not that difficult. Moms & dads will naturally gravitate together. Instead of expecting friendly neighbors, BE the friendly neighbor! Start greeting people, saying hi, small talk, bring food, snacks and offer resources.
If church is your thing, there are many, many great resources there. Find a family friendly Irvine church and get plugged in there. I?m sure you can easily find one or two families that live in your village.
Family chemistry, like most relationships are hard to describe and determine. We would think we would have better relationships with people we think we should get along with, but don?t; vice-versa, we get along perfectly with families we never though possible. Just be open to everyone!
?Dropping anchors? is very important. It doesn?t have to be BK?s long term relationships; it can be for a season. And it is always worth investing in.