Actually, I'm looking at Craigslist now and I see a ton of dreamers asking over $2k for their 2/2 Westpark rentals. The MLS has some more realistic stuff.
8 Alicante for 1749.
105 Alberti for 1750.
27 Alicante for 1800.
703 Solvay for 2000.
808 Marinella for 2000.
1605 solvay for 2000.
3404 Ladrillo for 2100.
1701 Terra Bella for 2100.
The list goes on. The last five have two car garages, something all Westpark Tiempo units lack (I think). Brio and Aventura are also nicer properties than Tiempo, which has a low-end IAC apt. complex "feel" about the place.
Oh, and several of these units are on the market for sale or have been on the market recently. The owners of these units are almost certainly not professional property investors. They are of the plan B "oh shit my condo won't sell" variety. Any renters shopping this market: BEWARE! You'll end up paying rent to live there only to be disturbed all weekend long by looky-loos and RE agents while your flippertard landlord continues to market the unit.