Warranty issue

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My uncle bought a new home in Irvine.  He lived in it for just over one year.  AC doesn't turn on.  He contacted the company that installed his AC and they said that labor warranty is one year but parts are five years.

He diagnosed it himself and noticed that some part failed so he asked them to send him the part since it's still under warranty.  The company said parts is only under warranty if he uses them for labor, which he has to pay for since labor is one year warranty.

Can they do that?
Aliso air does a lot of new construction, I'm guessing it's them. I had a minor issue with the AC and called them after the one year period. They said something similar. One year labor and 5 year on parts. However, they said they had to come look at it first to determine if the issue was hardware and that I would have to pay the hourly rate of the tech ($85/hour) for them to diagnose the issue. If it was a bad part, they would cover the part For free, however if I wanted them to install it I would have to pay the labor. Turned out to be a minor issue and I paid $85 and it's been good ever since.

If you complain hard enough the builder may cover it. Otherwise you are shit out of luck
It is Aliso but builder won't cover after one year.  What kind of warranty is that if they won't cover the part unless you use them?
Aliso Air = overpriced and overscheduled, in my experience.

They've replaced several parts on brand new homes for many clients that IMHO should've never been an issue. They've been underwhelming in their responses time and time again.

They charge $100 for trip charge.  Rates are $100/hour.  Ridiculously overpriced for substandard service.