Wall.E Crew

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I dunno if its just the kid in me or my fondness of robots. No Spoilers here.

But wow this movie was amazing. The overall message of the movie will make you reflect on life as we know it.

Best movie of the year so far if not the past 3 years.
Whatever, this year is all about Pandas. How dare you make panda sad! Now we will have to deal with a sad panda. Are you happy now? Poor panda... first he was sad he couldn't buy in Irvine, now everyone will love robots more than pandas. Keep panda away from sharp and/or flammable objects, this might get ugly for those poor robots.
[quote author="arctichaze" date=1214663028]Panda had his 2 weeks of fame.

Its now time for Waaaaaaaaaaaalllleeeeeeeeeeee and Eeeevvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee!</blockquote>

Great... now panda will have to change his name... again, and change his avatar. It will now be about WallE not being able to buy in Irvine. Man... can't you see what you have done?
I bought tickets for me and my boy yesterday for today's 1:50 showing at the Marketplace. He is really excited about the characters but he is scared of movie theaters (too loud, too big) so I have been working hard on him for days now, prepping him. Cross your fingers for me that I won't be forced to leave in the middle of the movie, okay? Cause I really want to see this!
I do have high hopes for this movie. Just talking my friends into seeing instead of Wanted is going to be tough. Surprisingly (I'm not a Angelina fan, love Jennifer!) Wanted got some great reviews, but Wall E is killing. I'll probably catch it on DVD.

Either way, the Dark Knight is only a few weeks away! Hancock is actually starting to look like it may be decent as well.
Nope, not this time. I spent $20 at Toys-R-Us, including two new hot wheels cars and two new Curious George books, a packet of M&Ms;, and a promise of a McDonald's Happy Meal. Still didn't work. We spent about 20 minutes in the theater waiting for it to start - I took him back out into the lobby after claiming two seats; told him he could play whatever video game he wanted, and order whatever food he wanted. Can you tell that I really wanted us to see this movie? It was all for nothing. He was just too scared, so I got a refund of the tickets and we left.

I'll probably drop him off at IrvineSuperFun tonight so I can go see this movie by myself. I swear, my child is scared of EVERYTHING! We have to be alone, at home, in order for him to be truly content. I guess I'll be able to have fun times with him eventually - maybe by the time he's in high school? You know, do stuff like take him to the beach, or camping, or to a movie or a museum? I know, I know, I just need to get over my selfishness of wanting to get out of the house and be with people and do interesting things.

I think that raising a child as antisocial as this one would be a lot less lonely with a husband. (A husband that you are not afraid of, that is).
[quote author="irvinesinglemom" date=1214707420]I bought tickets for me and my boy yesterday for today's 1:50 showing at the Marketplace. He is really excited about the characters but he is scared of movie theaters (too loud, too big) so I have been working hard on him for days now, prepping him. Cross your fingers for me that I won't be forced to leave in the middle of the movie, okay? Cause I really want to see this!</blockquote>

ISM - I took my (almost) 4 year-old son yesterday as part of a birthday party he was invited to. Great movie for adults, but maybe a little heavy for kiddos still. He usually sleeps well but had nightmares throughout the night last night. Just a word of caution.

I reiterate, though - great movie for adults. Makes me want to log off and go recycle something.