Nope, not this time. I spent $20 at Toys-R-Us, including two new hot wheels cars and two new Curious George books, a packet of M&Ms;, and a promise of a McDonald's Happy Meal. Still didn't work. We spent about 20 minutes in the theater waiting for it to start - I took him back out into the lobby after claiming two seats; told him he could play whatever video game he wanted, and order whatever food he wanted. Can you tell that I really wanted us to see this movie? It was all for nothing. He was just too scared, so I got a refund of the tickets and we left.
I'll probably drop him off at IrvineSuperFun tonight so I can go see this movie by myself. I swear, my child is scared of EVERYTHING! We have to be alone, at home, in order for him to be truly content. I guess I'll be able to have fun times with him eventually - maybe by the time he's in high school? You know, do stuff like take him to the beach, or camping, or to a movie or a museum? I know, I know, I just need to get over my selfishness of wanting to get out of the house and be with people and do interesting things.
I think that raising a child as antisocial as this one would be a lot less lonely with a husband. (A husband that you are not afraid of, that is).