I received a letter to fumigate our condo building last week and the whole complex had a major uproar for the use of the toxic yet common method for fumigation. The whole problem dealt with the fact that the BOD of our HOA went ahead with lowest bidder without considering other methods ie dehydration, heat, orange oil. We had a meeting today and despite the overwhelming support for alternatives, the lawyer present states that the BOD had the right to act on our behalf and even with a 50% or more decorum cannot change the decision. Has anyone else dealt with this issue before? I for one am not for moving out even when my landlord has to pay for it. My reasoning boils down to the fact that Vikane fumigation does start a clean slate, but termite protection is not guaranteed, why not use other safer methods? Plus, have homeowners relinquish all their rights to the BOD? Or should we just impeach them and get the new board, my sense is they did not actively seek bids and alternatives and all the termite eradication companies pushed for Vikane and nothing else...
I'm currently a renter and I had approval to represent my owner at the meeting..
I'm currently a renter and I had approval to represent my owner at the meeting..