US Marshalls, Simpson, Beardsley, and Fraud

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Am I the only sitting here steaming that the US marshalls can get notified of a simple parole violation, go to Vegas, track the person down in a new hotel and arrest him in two days, but can't manage to bust Casey Serin? Or even make many other fraud arrests for the obvious real estate fraud all over the place?
Before someone is put on parole there is a criminal judgment where the defendant already plead guilty or was found guilty of an offense. Serin, OTOH, has not even been prosecuted. The two situations are apples and oranges.
<p><em>"The role of the U.S. Marshal is constantly changing depending on the state of the union. In the past, they were responsible for such duties as taking the census and protecting the president. In recent years, the U.S. Marshals have been responsible for "providing protection for the federal judiciary, transporting federal prisoners, protecting endangered federal witnesses and managing assets seized from criminal enterprises." We also learned that U.S. Marshals arrest more federal fugitives than all other federal agencies combined, making around 55 percent of all federal arrests". </em></p>

<p>The role of the Marshals is to track and arrest fugitives(ie: those all ready convicted and have jumped bail, or have an outstanding warrant for their arrest), and to transport them (ConAir) to the area where they are to appear to face charges.</p>

<p>They don't do the investigations. That would be the FBI.</p>
<p>Yeah, okay, FBI and not Marshalls. However, they are part of the same criminal justice system. One that is obvious very broken given star treatment jail time measured in hours and days celebrities. </p>

<p>And while the dumb-dumb obviously has it coming, the obvious disparity because grabbing that relative low hanging and trivial fruit versus tracking down million dollar fraud rings is blatant. Yes, Casey hasn't been convicted. IMHO, his own writing paint a pretty open picture to the fraud he appears to have committed.</p>

<p>Overall, I'm more jaded on the lack of RE fraud busts than I am of the Beardsley getting nabbed on a parole violation. </p>
<p>NSR, my guess is that they system cannot handle the sheer amount of fraud that is to be investigated. There aren't enough hours in the day, nor agents of the FBI. They are overwhelmed....and also, commercial crimes are extremely in depth, tedious investigations to conduct. One extortion case I worked, the files stacked on top of each other were almost a foot high. One case. Est. 3 weeks man/woman hours on just that one....and that's only the investigation, not the trial.</p>

<p>I'm sure they're cherry picking who they will go after....but it does end up being a "triage" situation...."who is the worst", we'll take them. </p>
<p>I would like to see Mozillo get the Kenneth Lay / Bernie Ebbers Treatment.</p>

<p>Haul him up in front of the US house sub comitte on financial affairs and start grilling him about his comments then his sale of stock.</p>

<p>Heck give him the Martha Stewart treatment. Just go to the implode o meter find the guy at the top of each company and start arresting them then see what you can make stick. Can you imagine them seizing his tanning bed.</p>