Unemployment in the U.S. - Do you still have your job?

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<a href="http://cohort11.americanobserver.net/latoyaegwuekwe/multimediafinal.html">http://cohort11.americanobserver.net/latoyaegwuekwe/multimediafinal.html</a>


<a href="http://www.sacbee.com/1232/rich_media/1698037.html">http://www.sacbee.com/1232/rich_media/1698037.html</a>

and the stock market is rallying? I don't get it.
strange, on the California interactive map, the OC is staying fairly Green... 9.6%... all I can say is that the don't count long-term unemployment and the people who gave up, they always say on the radio the read percentage maybe as high as 22%...
The same reason it always does in EVERY economic cycle and recovery cycle.

<a href="http://www.safehaven.com/showarticle.cfm?id=725&pv=1">Why is the market rising when unemployment keeps rising? 2003</a>

Today we speculate about why the stock market is rising and whether it can continue to do so, given all the negative economic news. Along the way we will look at a very interesting study on stock values which will be different than the usual report you see. The world is coming to an end, or maybe not. Like an Impressionist painting, the picture looks different depending upon your distance from the canvas.

Up close, the economic picture is not all that pretty. "Unemployment jumped to an 8 year high of 6.0%. The economy lost 525,000 jobs over the last three months. Since World War II, there has been only one time that the economy lost jobs for three straight months without being in a recession, and that occurred during a steel industry strike in 1952." (Bloomberg via the Street.com).