underground transformer in front of house, EMF?

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Hello, Friends,

In viewing some of the new homes by TIC, we noticed a BURD transformer about 12 feet away from the front door along the side walk.  From the ground level, all you can see is a 3 feet round grate cover. Have anyone else noticed those ( there is one around 4, 5 houses down the street)? Could you give some input?
1. Any EMF radiation from this buried transformed ? ( used to be the big green boxes above the ground for older homes)
2. Would this cut the property's future selling value?

Many thanks for your help!


As long as it's enclosed there won't be any radiation.  If it's not enclosed then dirt, bugs, water can get in and you'd have bigger problems to worry about.
Thanks a lot. We have a friend who is EE major measured the EMF field around the BURD. It runs 50+ mG near it and 3 mG a few feet away.

It does look very urgly in front of the house regardless EMF.

We checked in google map. It was not in the older Irvine communities but in Woodbury/Stonegate/etc newer ones, you can see them from the google pics.
I was going to consider a home in HB (Brightwater) that had the exact same thing except it was placed in between my lot and my would-be neighbor. Looks very unsightly and can't help but think it would deter potential buyers during resale. . .

rimrattler6 said:
I was going to consider a home in HB (Brightwater) that had the exact same thing except it was placed in between my lot and my would-be neighbor. Looks very unsightly and can't help but think it would deter potential buyers during resale. . .

When looking for houses, you just have to remember any potential future buyers are generally going to be attracted to what you like about the house and turned off by what you notice and don't like about the house.  You also have to remember, no house is perfect.  You really have to apply the 80/20 rule to it.