Irvine Dream said:
someguy said:
The proposals are a circle jerk for the wealthy and powerful.
I am not a 2% er in USA and likely not a 10% in Irvine. However, I don't get the argument that the rich don't pay their fair share, they do and what you want is to have the rich pay more % than you do. (I am sure all of us here in TI knows that even when the % tax rate is the same the higher the earning the higher taxes you pay).
I say eliminate any loop hole deductions that the rich has but other than that single tax rate is fine
I agree, many wealthy people have done exceptional things to become wealthy. Hard work, sacrifice, great decision making. Their products/services often benefit a great number of people. There are some truly exceptional wealthy people out there and I am not at all interested in punishing them for their success.
I'm just pointing out that these proposals heavily benefit the wealthy/elite. And I'm talking the kind of wealth where $1M annual income $10M net assets will barely get your car valet parking to the wealth party.
As far as eliminating loop holes, it's a pipe dream because (1) the wealthy/elite will simply pivot and find new loop holes with the help of some of the brightest (and most expensive) attorneys and tax strategists and (2) the very people who would be harmed by "closing loop holes" are the ones with their hands in the pockets of the law makers.
Single flat tax sounds nice and simple, but all those people who make, say $30k and below, they currently might not pay much tax, but they likely spend every last dime they have on non-discretionary things (food, shelter, transportation, maybe education, etc). They're not saving for retirement. Their vacations are stay-cations. A 15% flat tax (or whatever) will break them financially unless their wages are raised. And guess what happens to the price of all those nice things we buy at costco and the stucco house dealership when all the prices of their labor (and their raw materials, transportation, etc) adjust for higher wage? Yep, the prices of our groceries, houses, coffee, meals out, etc will increase.
Not trying to shit on the flat tax or close the loop holes ideas (sorry if it came across that way), just saying there's no magic bullet. The system is extremely complicated and the power to change/manipulate it is very concentrated.