We are considering getting one of the homes in Capistrano, one of the things that has discouraged us from buying thereis that they are attached duplex homes. However, we noticed that there are in fact a few detached homes available in that community (due to landscaping). The detached units sell at a slight premium, but it's a detached homes, and is cheaper than the ones across the street- San Marcos (with the same floorplans). The only one available now is the Plan 2, we weren't in love with the floorplan, because the master bedroom closet seems too small, and the back-yard is pretty small as well. However, we do like Stonegate East community better, because the driveway is a bit wider, and you're not as close to the neighbor across from you.
Anyone think that this is a good/bad investment??
Anyone think that this is a good/bad investment??