To buy or not to buy- Stonegate East- Capistrano

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We are considering getting one of the homes in Capistrano, one of the things that has discouraged us from buying thereis that they are attached duplex homes.  However, we noticed that there are in fact a few detached homes available in that community (due to landscaping).  The detached units sell at a slight premium, but it's a detached homes, and is cheaper than the ones across the street- San Marcos (with the same floorplans).  The only one available now is the Plan 2, we weren't in love with the floorplan, because the master bedroom closet seems too small, and the back-yard is pretty small as well.  However, we do like Stonegate East community better, because the driveway is a  bit wider, and you're not as close to the neighbor across from you. 

Anyone think that this is a good/bad investment??
Jupitor said:
We are considering getting one of the homes in Capistrano, one of the things that has discouraged us from buying thereis that they are attached duplex homes.  However, we noticed that there are in fact a few detached homes available in that community (due to landscaping).  The detached units sell at a slight premium, but it's a detached homes, and is cheaper than the ones across the street- San Marcos (with the same floorplans).  The only one available now is the Plan 2, we weren't in love with the floorplan, because the master bedroom closet seems too small, and the back-yard is pretty small as well.  However, we do like Stonegate East community better, because the driveway is a  bit wider, and you're not as close to the neighbor across from you. 

Anyone think that this is a good/bad investment??
Does that detached unit have one or two HOAs?  Have you guys looked at other new homes over in Stonegate, Portola Springs, and/or Woodbury?  How about re-sale homes?  What do you guys like about Stonegate East and Capistrano?  Personally, I'm not a big fan of Stonegate East based upon location (surrounded by Sand Canyon, the Toll Road, and Irvine Blvd). 

Whatever new home you guys end up buying be sure to bring with your agent with you so that you can split the broker co-op with them (see if you agent can negotiate a better deal for you, specially on a home that's already built)...don't leave money on the table for the builder.
Jupitor said:
Anyone think that this is a good/bad investment??

a home should not be viewed as an investment, rather as a place to live.  when you sell your "investment" - you have to by another "investment" to live in.
Location will bite you later.  If you aren't getting detached I'd strongly advise against it.  Paying that kinda money for attached is absurd.  Like qwerty said, buying right now isn't a investment, and lord know how long if ever you will see the money back.  I side with IndieDev on the notion that prices are going to be cannibalized and buying anytime soon is a huge mistake.
Nous said:
I side with IndieDev on the notion that prices are going to be cannibalized and buying anytime soon is a huge mistake.

Actually I meant that prices will fall so low due to the utter, and destructive collapse of the American economy. Due to that apocalyptic event, you will be forced to cannibalize your neighbors to survive. Make sure you fatten them up now with frequent neighborhood BBQs and invited dinners. Remember a 250 pound neighbor will feed a family of four at least 6 days, especially if you boil the bones for soup.
As for an investment it is certainly not sound to buy one of the few detached homes in a tract mostly composed of attached condos.

The old saying "Buy the cheapest house in the best neighborhood" shall prevail.