<p>Through this blog/forum and others dedicated to the OC, looking at ZipRealty and other places online, you will probably agree that the average asking price per sq ft in Irvine is in the $400 - $425 per sq ft range. Going with this valuation, the current asking price on the 725 sq ft condo should be $290k - $310k. The stated asking price of $385k works out to $531/ sq ft, i.e. a total ripoff. If you can get them down to the $300k level, then I would say you have at least a "market priced" deal (we can argue <em>ad nauseum (sic)</em> if the market is overvalued or not, but that's for the overall marketplace to decide).</p>
<p>Another valuation model is the rent vs. buy decision model <em>a version of </em>which goes something like this: if you agree to pay the asking price ($385k in this case) with say a 20% down, 6.5%/30- year fixed loan, your monthly P&I (principal & interest) payments would be (ta.. da..) $2443. This is before you pay mello roos, property taxes, insurance and HOA (albeit deferred 2 years into the future) etc which will be in the $500+ range. The valuation model applied to this case means that if the property was "fairly valued" then you should be able to rent this condo out at $2443 (at the very least) up to $3,000. Will the market bear this rent? <em>If you could just find one little sucka...</em></p>
<p>Apply this rent vs. buy decision model in reverse... Let's say you mosey on over to the Irvine rental living website and find a 725 sq ft 1/br for oh say, $1,500 per month in the <em>nicest</em> part of town (I mean with the <em>works</em>.) <em>(Ahem)</em> I will attempt to demonstrate for you what kind of down payment you would need in order to match the $1,500 rent:</p>
<p>You want your total payment to be: $1500.00</p>
<p>You will pay at least $500+ in non-P&I payments: -500.00</p>
<p>Your P&I will be $1500 - $500 = $1000</p>
<p>What is the principal amount of your loan with a $1000 payment? Drum roll please... $158,610!!!</p>
<p>In other words, you are going to have to come up with a down payment of $385000 - 158610 = $226,390 in order to break even using the rent vs. buy model.</p>
<p>So you decide... </p>