[quote author="GOTTI" date=1225514241]I don't think over crowding prison's even further is the best solution. If drugs are decriminalized, I think this would lead to less crime. It's one less problem for authorities to worry about and they can focus on violent criminals or any other serious law breakers.</blockquote>
Forget color for a few moments. Look at it from a pure economic flow stand point. People with an education and a career (or well paying, steady job) have the money to indulge themselves in whatever recreational pleasures strike their fancy. But they often are buying it from someone lower on the economic ladder. This hypothetical dealer might have chosen to sell drugs as a hobby, but usually a dealer does it for the money. I'm not talking about the mid-level or higher distributors, but the 'retail' dealer. It's an easy line of work to get since most people know someone that uses one drug or more recreationally, word of mouth brings in more customers if the quality and regularity of supply is good, and most distributors will allow you to borrow a small amount of their product to sell (with the expectation that you will pay them back or suffer a heavy, heavy penalty) which allows the retail dealer to get started. The retail dealer either increases the cost to the user or cuts the quality of the product to provide a personal profit. In short the money flow is user>dealer>distributor>producer>grower with each taking profit along the way.
Removing the dealer and changing the distributor removes an income stream from a person who is already facing economic challenges. If this is their sole source of income, and they already have a proven record of ignoring laws to generate income, then what options are the legion of dealers going to have? I fear that legalizing drugs will only benefit the users and producers leaving the rest with no choices and I think that will actually lead to more crimes being committed, not less, possibly of a more violent nature considering the dearth of firearms on the streets. Even if the new tax revenue is used exclusively to rehab current drug dealers and provide job training, I suspect the voluntary enrollment rate will fall far below the current employment rate of retail dealers.