The saddest day of my life

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
irvinehomeshopper said:
I really don't have close friends where I can turn to. Thank you for all your concern and I am sorry for not being able to post details.

I have been thinking of you all day. I am sorry you are hurting. Everything is going to be okay, IHS!

Don't worry. At TI, we are "Friends of the Friendless". I, too, don't have close friends in real life. If you are a "pitiful outcast, shunned by your fellow man", TI is the place to be.  :) It's better to be here than wandering a park looking for friends like Lucy.

"We are friends of the friendless, yes we are, yes we are."

Have faith, you are not alone. No matter how dark or crazy things seem, there is a God and he will never abandon you. I wish you only the best during these difficult times.
irvinehomeshopper said:
Last night a deadly blow twice the magnitude of the last one. I will not recover.

Oh, I'm so sorry, IHS. You will get through this. It may not seem like it right now. But you will. Hand over all your concerns to the Lord. You mentioned not having close friends. That is the friend you can always call on anytime of the day or night.

How is your daily routine going through all of this? Are you able to make it to work? Please keep us updated us on how you're doing. We love you.
Going on 72 hours of anxiety and insomnia. Devastation kept following me. I made it to work ok but feeling like a zombie. Today was the most unproductive work day of my life.
irvinehomeshopper said:
Going on 72 hours of anxiety and insomnia. Devastation kept following me. I made it to work ok but feeling like a zombie. Today was the most unproductive work day of my life.

IHS, hope things get back to normal soon.