The Great Park

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A salesperson at a model home in Woodbury told me the other day that a new high school will be built at the Great Park. Has anyone heard anything about this?

Also, I've heard from other sources that the Irvine Amphi. Theater and the Water Park will be moved to the Great Park (and TIC will be building homes in the vacated area). If this is true, I wonder where in the Great Park, they are planning to relocate the theater. What would the noise impact be on the outlining homes. How about traffic? Does anyone know more about this?
The last article I read on the Theater and Park was that their lease was just barely renewed for another year at their current location. They WANT to move to the Great Park, but there is nothing final. It didn't sound like there was even much progress towards it. Makes sense since the Park doesn't exist yet.
I had one of the chief lobbyists for the Great Park come talk to my California Politics class this past semester. Theres something about the whole thing that seems suspicious to me. They have the money but aren't really building anything except for the same balloon that's at the SD Wild Animal Park. They say they are waiting for revenue from houses that are to be built on the land, but I feel like it'll end up being all houses with some small token area as the "park". It just doesnt make sense to me what the plan is from here on out. If you have two hundred million, build something more than a balloon and an extension campus......
Do you mean Verizon amphi is getting relocated? It is awesome, since I was looking closely at Laguna Crossing Village and my main concern was the noise from the amphi.

Since Laguna Crossing is postponed till 2009, I don't see any rationale for them to move all of it until 2009. At least they would make some money off the lease for an additional year.