Stonegate CDC

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I heard that a cdc "teacher" at SG elementary school made his kids do 50 push ups and sit ups in the hot sun.  When a girl asked if she could sit out to rest since it was too hot, this teacher told her no.  Hmmm...this is for CDC child care - summer camp...  this teacher must be just getting bored and want to torture the kids in the hot son.  Seems totally wrong to me.
Great... we're putting our kids in CDC this fall (not Stonegate though)... stuff like this has us worried about what type of staff they have there.
IHO- Are you putting your kids in Irvine schools this year?

We had our kids do the morning (before school care) as I need to be at work for the markets, but I never had a problem (but we're not at Stonegate).
Yes... we will finally be using one of the things we pay a premium for living in Irvine... my wife is worried but IUSD has to be at least 100x better than where I went to school.

Hmm... maybe my wife is worried it's only 100x better.
irvinehomeowner said:
Great... we're putting our kids in CDC this fall (not Stonegate though)... stuff like this has us worried about what type of staff they have there.

The primary grade CDC teachers are great and the director at this SG center is very responsive to parent input and will take action immediately where needed (and if she is notified).  I'm sure that if one of the parent complains about it, it would never happen again. 

(By the way, this CDC teacher I referred to above is an upper grade (4, 5 and 6th) CDC teacher.)