During the past ten years or so TIC didn't build any single story houses. A few years back at Pavilion Park there were some high end single story homes that sold well, however Lennar offered a more affordable version at Beechwood that was their worst seller of the three models. At Beacon Park KHOV offered two single story homes - their high end Silvermist is sold out, however their affordable Rosemont model has plenty of availability. Lennar is back at it with their Larkspur models with mild sales success. Now I see that TIC is introducing a single story plan at Eastwood, but only four total. Why the dearth of single story homes from TIC? I would think that the aging population would want them, however the builders are not providing them. What does market research indicate about the future of single story homes. Is buying one a wise investment? Also seems that larger single story homes (2500+ SF) have sold better than smaller models measuring 1800-2200 SF.