Santa Barbara - WB

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Sounds like issues with Woodbury in general.  He also said he moved next to SB.

"I moved to a small attached house in Woodbury next to one of their new developments they call Santa Barbara"

Was he living in SB or a house next to SB?
test said:
Sounds like issues with Woodbury in general.  He also said he moved next to SB.

"I moved to a small attached house in Woodbury next to one of their new developments they call Santa Barbara"

Was he living in SB or a house next to SB?

Ooops, I missed that, so he must be living in one of the four quartet condos?
I have to agree with the blogger. Woodbury has a lot of poser types who bought during the bubble with monopoly money. Some of them are hanging on by a shred of dignity, while others capitulated and short sold, or ditched the keys over the past 3 years. I wouldn't move into Woodbury if I was looking for a home in Irvine.
I've lived in Woodbuy for the last 5 years or so and my main observation is that people routinely speed and run stop signs all over the community.  I regularly hear loud modified exhausts (a modified m3 and m6 come to mind) where the drivers drive like they live life a quarter mile at a time (plus a host of motorcycles and big rigs that go down Sand Canyon). 

A good portion of SB is situated next to Woodbury Walk which is a low income tract so I always wondered what it would be like.  I do notice that more people are out late at night around that park but I don't live by it so I don't know if its like that all the time. 
Woodbury is like any other SoCal neighborhood.  If you want to get any from all of this, you?ll need to live in less populated areas.
homer_simpson said:
The guy blogging is a friend of my brother in law.  He's pretty blunt and honest it sounds  :)
Please tell him to update... he hasn't posted since March and some of his entries are hilarious.