Santa Ana Ranked 4th in the Safest City List!

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Earth is the safest planet in the galaxy. China has the cleanest air for a country with a population over 8 billions. Manhattan is the safest city in the US with a population over a mil. Santa Ana is the 4th safest city for 250,000 and over and Irvine is the 6th safest for 100,000 and over.......Minowi, Nebraska is the safest town in America. Both Irvine and Santa Ana are extremely dangerous compared to Minowi.
Car fatality rate is apparently a criteria so I guess a majority of the population taking the bus is a good thing for Forbes statistics. Since the gang bangers are now employed in building homes in neighboring cities they don't have time to commit crime anymore.

When Santa Ana was under the bad leadership of some multiple term political crooks the city sufferred big time with crimes. The city's decade long bad reputation still resonates today. I was told these crooks are homebuilders and developers now.