RoundTree, Birch Trail and SpringHouse are also condos???

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I was looking at Irvine's Online Parcel Search Map and noticed that some of Great Park homes are also sharing a single lot.  Those sharing-lot homes were RoundTree, Birch Trail and SpringHouse. I thought it's a bit weird because they have reasonable lot sizes and own driveway (except Birch Trail) so they should be SFR homes. I end up searching Irvine Permit pages by address and I realized that they're all detached condos. (Only SpringHouse model homes were SFR)  A bit surprised.
It must cost money per lot to be registered with the city.  Maybe the builders want to save on those costs so they can pass on those savings to the buyers so they don't need to increase sales prices 10k with each phase......oh wait, nvm...
These projects could be Planned Unit Developments (PUD's). You have to call an SFR and a Condo what the legal description in the title report says, but a PUD can be listed as a Single Family Residence / Single Family Home, even if there are attached walls.

The builder should have the legal description their disclosure package to answer this question for a buyer prior to purchase.
It is really an odd description at times.  My sister lives in a "condo" in Placentia.. you wouldn't be able to tell.  It's a full street in front of her, driveway 3 car garage.. and you park in front of her house on the street. 