Real Estate in Charleston SC

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I am just putting this as a place holder for my impending purchases in Charleston SC. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

I will write more about the whole process when i get home later tonight.
Take it easy
As most of you know I am a engineering in the Aerospace community. I have been keeping track of what the companies have been doing lately (keeping my eyes out for jobs should I suddenly need to find another one).
At sometime around Oct/Sept of 2008 the 787 Assembly Machinists went on strike for close to 2 months. In that time they did not deliver nearly 4 vehicles and set the entire program back nearly a year. This was close to a 2 BILLION dollar loss for the company.

Still even into 2009 the union was still jerking around the company with threats.

Zip ahead to Charleston SC, where the Boeing Machinists plan to disband their union.
While this is a second manufacturing line, it is going to be the main manufacturing line (FAR cheeper labor costs).

Anyway, i had started researching this area and have talked to quite alot of agents and brokers down there. The new plant will be nearer to the airport. So Charleston proper would probably be a good bet.

The other thing I learned was that there is quite alot of pockets of good and bad places (From the economic, crime, social viewpoint).

Upon researching the homes there i was completely suprised at some of the facts.

Like the medium income is 47-60k, the average house is 75-125k, the higher end homes are 200k. The average rental rates for 1 bd and 2 bd are 700 and 800. Very low cost....

Now lets go back to average home size and cost, that is usually on an ACRE OR MORE of land. The minimum build requirments are just ~.17Ac per home.

I have found more than a few pieces of land with homes in disrepair just ripe to be sub divided. While they may be expensive in cost per $$, they will be relatively low cost compared to most large homes.

There are a few gotcha's as this whole area is a flood plane... like your home as to be 16-18ft above ground (its only 20ish ft above sea level).

I'll write more later on what i've found.