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NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
For $50,000 you can buy a BMW 5-series,

or an used Ferrari 348 GT

Which would you choose, and what is the estimated cost of ownership?


<p>Honda can beat a bimmer through the twistys any day of the week and twice on Sunday.</p>

<p>(maybe that will draw him out)</p>
<p>If you were convicted of street racing and the court sentenced you to driving nothing but a Honda, which Honda would it be? </p>

<p>Must have 4 wheels.</p>

<p>What do you think of the blistering pace of job creation here?</p>

<p><img alt="" src="http://img104.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2007/08/31/elmerfuddawildhare-47oa1oaov.jpg" /></p>
<a href="http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/redir?src=image&clickedItemURN=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ministryofpropaganda.co.uk%2Fblogimages%2F20040806-rabbit.jpg&moduleId=image_details.jsp.M&clickedItemDescription=Image Details"><img height="120" width="103" border="0" alt="" src="http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:TtjWrUUdSayXxM:www.ministryofpropaganda.co.uk/blogimages/20040806-rabbit.jpg" /></a>