Pulte to Buy Centex

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
<a href="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123918568152500763.html">Pulte to Buy Centex in Housing Bet </a>

<em>"The deal follows recent signs that the housing market is starting to stabilize, with both new- and existing-home sales having risen in February. But many on Wall Street haven't made much out of those numbers because <strong>about half of the sales currently are by lenders on foreclosures and other distressed homes, and values are continuing to decline</strong>."</em>
Both of those builders had competitive floors. Meaning that if there was a partner at a sales office generally they would have nothing to do with you as you did not buy from them. Resale stupidity. Both of the builders built ok homes but their customer service was never that good as the employees played favorites. Both of them are bottom line time share type of builders so they should do real well as one and continue the used car sales mentality that they are famous for.